Nutrition According To The Zodiac

Video: Nutrition According To The Zodiac

Video: Nutrition According To The Zodiac
Video: Astrology & Diet/Health? (+ a Quiz!) 2024, September
Nutrition According To The Zodiac
Nutrition According To The Zodiac

Culinary preferences depend mostly on the zodiac sign. For example, Aries is bright in nature, does not like loneliness, he constantly wants to be surrounded by people at the table.

People born under this sign have a good digestive system, but burn a large amount of energy - mental and physical. Therefore, they need food that contains potassium phosphoric acid to repair brain cells and nerve tissue.

This element is found in lettuce, spinach, onions, beets, celery, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, lemons, walnuts and dates.

Fiery Aries needs spicy food, which in addition to being spicy, is enriched with many spices - mint, basil, bay leaf. Aries should avoid fatty foods.

Taurus needs to get a lot of vitamins, as it is able to withstand heavy physical exertion. His love of sweets can play a bad joke on him in the form of a lot of extra pounds.

When depressed, Taurus is constantly trampled. He is prone to swelling, so he must control the water in his body. Spinach, pumpkin, radishes and turnips, as well as cabbage will remove excess fluid from his body. Taurus should include fish and seafood that contain iodine.

Nutrition according to the zodiac
Nutrition according to the zodiac

The twins do not like strenuous physical labor, they work with their brains and dexterous hands. Their exhausted nervous system needs products rich in protein - these are lean meat and fish, eggs, nuts, dairy products and soy.

Their menu should include carrots, beets, peas, cauliflower, asparagus, because these products contain calcium chloride. Cancer is always in internal conflict and it is prone to nervous disorders.

What should limit in moments of nervous breakdown are sweets and pasta. Representatives of this zodiac sign must consume seafood. Fruits, lettuce, rye bread and dairy products are in the heat of Cancer. Pumpkin, egg yolks and raisins are especially important for it - they contain calcium fluoride.

The passionate and energetic Leo is endowed by nature with the ability to restore his energy on his own. He tends to cram in fatty foods, and this often leads to the development of heart disease.

Chicken and game meat, eggs, cheese, dairy products and soy are useful for Leo, which will charge him with protein. The lion generously disperses the resources of its nervous system, for the recovery of which magnesium sulfate is needed.

Nutrition according to the zodiac
Nutrition according to the zodiac

It is found in cucumbers, onions, lettuce, apples, lemons, plums, almonds, coconuts and dried figs. Virgo is so intrigued by her own health that it sometimes becomes an obsession.

This is because Virgo is terrified of disease. Her stomach is her weak spot, so she should avoid rough, hard-to-digest foods.

Fat-free beef, dairy products, lettuce, rye bread, almonds are a must for Virgo, who needs products that give her energy and peace.

Libra enjoys good health, but tends to abuse sweets. Vitamins A and E are very useful for Libra because they can protect them from the stress to which they succumb easily.

Nutrition according to the zodiac
Nutrition according to the zodiac

Apples, raisins, carrots, peaches, wild strawberries, seafood and fish, pumpkin, cucumbers and pears will load the body of Libra with the necessary substances.

Scorpio is an energetic, sexual sign, his life depends on psychosexual energy. Scorpio likes to pamper himself with his favorite foods, which are not very useful.

The products suitable for this zodiac sign are seafood, fish, eggs, nuts and dairy products. Onions, garlic, prunes and citrus fruits are very useful for Scorpio.

Sagittarius will maintain good health if he gives up some bad habits. Greasy food, too spicy spices, a lot of desserts - all this has a detrimental effect on Sagittarius.

This zodiac sign is characterized by a weak liver, so it is especially important for Sagittarius to regularly eat sprouted wheat, beef and beef liver and egg yolks.

Silicon dioxide, which is valid for Sagittarians, in its absence leads to eye inflammation, unhealthy hair and nail problems. More prunes, wild rice, cherries, figs help to absorb it.

Capricorn's skeletal system is not good enough, so it is important that he gets enough minerals. Alcohol, mayonnaise and chocolate are harmful to him.

Lean meat, cabbage, asparagus, spinach, celery, cucumbers, beans, eggs, almonds, wild strawberries, prunes will load the body with the necessary minerals, as well as all dairy products.

Aquarius has a weak nervous system, easily susceptible to stress. There should always be fruits on his table - apples, pears, grapes, oranges, lemons, pineapples. Aquarius gets tired easily, so he should eat fresh milk, soy and almonds.

Fish do not look extremely healthy, but in fact they are. Their outward calm hides a storm of emotions, premonitions and repressed passions.

The condition of the nervous system of Pisces depends on the amount of calcium in their blood, so they should eat fish, eggs, dairy products and nuts.

Sweets are bad for them, and iron deficiency can cause depression. Beans, seafood, fish, liver, spinach are best for Pisces.
