Start Your Diet According To The Zodiac Sign

Start Your Diet According To The Zodiac Sign
Start Your Diet According To The Zodiac Sign

Each zodiac triangle absorbs calories differently and has different eating habits.

Fiery zodiac signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are easier to go on a diet, because their body absorbs calories faster. For them, diets that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates are preferable.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) have difficulty removing rings, as they are allowed to "boil" before deciding to take the diet. And because they already have a hard time losing weight, calorie-based diets are preferable for them because they limit the amount of food they can digest and thus get used to eating less than before.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are easy to take off because they expend a lot of energy because they are nervous people and move a lot. And for them, calorie-calculated diets are recommended. But food must be divided into portions and eaten many times.

Weight loss
Weight loss

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) lose and gain weight very easily, because their problem is not obesity, but fluid retention. Therefore, they suddenly begin to lose weight only after two weeks, when fat cells replace fat with fluids and finally remove it.

For them, calorie-calculated diets are recommended, which start with a one-day diet with only fluids, because fluid retention is their problem, and the liquid day causes the stomach to shrink - something that helps to lose weight.

If you are an ARIES zodiac sign, start your diet on Tuesday. The foods that should predominate are: fresh meat, fruits, vegetables. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Eat slowly.


If you are a TAURUS, start the diet on Friday. Foods: mulberry, cereals, wine. Limit all fatty foods.

If you are GEMINI, start on Wednesday. Foods: green vegetables, chicken, foods containing B-complex vitamins in general and produced from fiber plants. Eat a little many times a day.

If you have CANCER, start your diet on Monday. Food should be of marine origin, milk too. Remember that one day a week you should spend on fluids. Limit sugar, fat and salt.

If you are a LION, start on Sunday. Foods: cinnamon, citrus fruits. Avoid eating outside the home. Limit salt, fats, cocktails before eating.

Zodiac signs
Zodiac signs

If you are a VIRGO, start on Wednesday. Foods: vegetables, fresh fruits, cereals, dairy products, dried fruits (peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts). Limit your worries and don't bring your problems to the table.

If you are LIBRA, start on Friday. Foods: tomatoes, peaches, mint. Never miss breakfast. Eat less after 2 pm and do gymnastics.

If you are a SCORPIO, start on Tuesday. Foods: crabs, fish. You will lose weight when the moon decreases. Limit drinking and exercise. And of course, remember that every water zodiac sign should start the first day of the diet with fluids only.

If you are a SAGITTARIUS, start on Thursday. Food: barbecue, roast, onion vegetables. Do not postpone the diet for "next Thursday". Give preference to exotic dishes without many calories. Do not miss the opportunity for gymnastics and any sport.

If you are a CAPRICORN, start on Saturday. Foods: potatoes, spinach. Vitamin C will also help you lose weight. Do sports and do not be disappointed if at some point you stop losing weight. You will be rewarded later.

If you are an AQUARIUS, start on Saturday. Foods: raw vegetables, fresh or dried fruits, dry or frozen foods. Remember that you are a stable zodiac sign and therefore do not easily lose the weight you have gained. You will need to change your eating habits and start exercising.

If you are a FISH, start on Thursday. Foods: lettuce, melon, cucumbers, fish. Be careful how much and what you eat. Remember to walk and swim, especially if you are "in a hole".
