How To Make Beer From Fruit

How To Make Beer From Fruit
How To Make Beer From Fruit

Different types of fruit are an ideal base for homemade beer with a light fruity taste. You can easily make orange beer. Dissolve two and a half kilograms of sugar in a little water. Add one hundred milliliters of white wine and bring to the boil.

Pour into a small wooden barrel and add the juice of three oranges, removing the seeds. Add two tablespoons of brewer's yeast and fill the barrel to the brim with water. Stir the mixture and leave at a temperature of fifteen degrees.

Close the barrel with a stopper containing an air tube. On the third day, add forty grams of finely chopped orange peel to the barrel.

After five days, pour the liquid into bottles, close and store in a cool place. In the same way you can make beer from lemons.

How to make beer from fruit
How to make beer from fruit

Plum beer is made with six kilograms of well-ripened plums, which are well mashed and soaked in four liters of water. Add a solution of four kilograms of sugar and a little water, add two hundred milliliters of white wine.

The mixture is boiled, then poured into a barrel and topped up with water, adding three tablespoons of dry brewer's yeast. Leave at eighteen degrees and on the third day add forty grams of finely chopped lemon peel. An air tube is placed in the cap and after ten days it is bottled.

You can also make beer from vegetables - carrots are best for this purpose. Grate the orange vegetables - about four or five kilograms - on a large grater, drain the juice, boil and strain through cheesecloth.

Cool slightly and add half a handful of dry hops and half a tablespoon of brewer's yeast. Mix everything well and leave for three days at eighteen degrees. Remove the foam, strain through gauze and pour into bottles. After a week in the cold can be consumed.

Beer is also made from green peas. The pods of young peas contain a lot of sugar. Put young, unripe pea pods in a saucepan and simmer, filling them with water ten centimeters above the pods.

Cook for three hours, adding water if necessary. Strain the decoction through three layers of gauze and cool. Prepare a decoction of a handful of dried hops or dried sage, boiled for a few minutes with two or three tablespoons of dry brewer's yeast. The two liquids are mixed and covered with a lid.

Leave in the heat for three days, removing the foam periodically. It is then bottled and left to cool for a week.
