Women Invented Beer

Video: Women Invented Beer

Video: Women Invented Beer
Video: Women Were The Actual Inventors of Beer 2024, September
Women Invented Beer
Women Invented Beer

The most masculine of all alcoholic beverages, beer, was invented by a woman.

This was stated by the British researcher Jane Peyton, quoted by the Daily Telegraph. According to her research, the woman has played a crucial role in the history of this drink.

"The woman made the beer, and for a long time only the fairer sex were allowed access to breweries and beer," Peyton told the paper.

She also claims that until 200 years ago, beer was considered a food. As such, it was within the competence of the woman.

As far back as 7,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, where beer was considered a gift from the gods, only women produced the sparkling drink and ran the breweries.

In Scandinavian and English culture, beer was also particularly popular with women. In England, for example, women are productive at home, the traditional ale. It was intended not only for home consumption but also for sale, and from it the household increased its budget.


According to some historical sources, Queen Elizabeth I ate beer for breakfast and loved to drink it at any time.

Women gave up their leading role in beer production during the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. Then the role of women in the production of the oldest alcoholic beverage weakened.

"It's clear to me that men will be shocked to hear this, but they should thank the woman for the beer," says Peyton.

So now beer is the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world and the third most popular beverage after water and tea. It is produced by boiling and fermenting starch, obtained mainly from malt barley, but the use of wheat, corn, rice is also possible. Fermentation yeast helps with fermentation.

The beer is flavored with hops, which gives it bitterness and acts as a natural preservative. Other flavors are often added through herbs and fruits.
