The Easiest Detox Of The Body In The Spring

The Easiest Detox Of The Body In The Spring
The Easiest Detox Of The Body In The Spring

As soon as the season in which nature awakens comes, it is necessary for everyone to take care of the detoxification of the body. Its purpose is to eliminate the damage caused to the body from the winter season, to prepare us to successfully deal with spring fatigue, to strengthen our health and cheerful mood.

Detox is needed because we spend the winter indoors, where the air quality is deteriorated due to heating, climatic conditions, retaining fine dust particles, vitamin-free food due to the lack of seasonal fruits and vegetables. It is also hindered by the reduced inflow of fresh air and movement, the lack of contact with nature, due to which toxins and harmful substances accumulate easily in the body.

The result of this lifestyle is depression, lack of energy, headaches, unhealthy sleep, sagging skin. Detox is what can restore our freshness.

Cleansing the body of toxins it is most easily and imperceptibly through food. There are certain foods that are able to help us deal with the problem quickly.

Body detox tea

Matcha tea is very suitable for cleansing the blood and body. We can fully trust the 800-year-old Japanese tradition of using this finely ground high-quality green tea, not accidentally called tea tea. Antioxidants, amino acids and natural fiber boost immunity and inject strength and vitality into the body, as well as helping to reduce fat, lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure.

Beetroot for detox

Detox trouble
Detox trouble

Beets are another food product with well-known benefits. It is a healing food that cures a number of diseases, including cancer. This is the ideal food for the regeneration of the liver, the organ through which we cleanse ourselves of toxins.

Turmeric for detox

Chinese medicine regularly uses the spice turmeric to treat and maintain the liver. It has a beneficial effect on digestive disorders and helps the body in the process clearing toxins. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect due to curcumin.

Lemon juice for detox

Detox with lemon juice
Detox with lemon juice

To get vitamin C, we always first turn to citrus fruits, especially lemons. In addition to enviable amounts of vitamin C, this well-known fruit contains antioxidants and is therefore useful for detoxifying the body. Recommended in the morning before meals, dissolved in a glass of water.

High water vegetables for detox

High water vegetables are also suitable for cleansing. It is known that water is the main means of detox. If the advice to drink a lot of water is difficult to implement, the water can be replaced with some high-water vegetables. Cucumbers and apples are not only delicious, but also contain the necessary water supplies. Apples also contain pectin, which helps expel harmful toxins from the body.

Green leafy vegetables for detox

Spinach, cabbage and broccoli are excellent choices for detox foods. They cleanse the body and at the same time charge it with useful substances.

The combination of food and spending a long time in the fresh air speeds up the process.
