Minus 500 Calories Every Day

Minus 500 Calories Every Day
Minus 500 Calories Every Day

With just a few tricks you can lose a pound in a week without much effort. And if this type of diet becomes a way of life, then your weight problems will certainly evaporate.

Get moving - it's not just health and energy, it's another minus 5 kg. for 5 weeks. Do not relax in the armchair or on the couch when talking on the phone. Instead, you can walk back and forth or do some housework. In the office, use the stairs to get around and not be pampered with an elevator.

And most importantly, walk whenever you have the opportunity. Your activity will have a beneficial effect on your figure and will certainly reduce the volume of your weight in places you do not even think about.

Pretend to be a housewife - the way to the supermarket, almost an hour spent shopping and going home. Two hours in cooking, preparing the table. For all this you will burn nearly 640 calories. And agree, this is not a bad bonus for an exemplary housewife who prefers home comfort to that of the restaurant.

In addition, a serving of spaghetti in a restaurant can contain 1056 calories, unlike home-made pasta with 300 calories. You may not save the bottle of champagne, as it contains the seemingly ridiculous 105 calories.

Do not eat in front of the TV - this is an extremely simple rule, but very difficult to implement. Recently, American scientists conducted a study and found that staring at the small screen, we usually gain 288 calories on top.

Minus 500 calories every day
Minus 500 calories every day

So forget about random eating in front of the TV, use your kitchen as intended. There, your body will be away from harmful impulses and nothing will interfere with your nutritional balance. So instead of watching movies and TV series, take a one-hour tour of the neighborhood or a shopping tour. This will help you get rid of 527 unnecessary calories.

Limit guest invitations - lunch and dinner in a large company of sweet talk will sharpen your feeling of hunger. Among friends and acquaintances without even suspecting, you eat 96% more than you would consume if you were alone. And in order not to affect the group meeting of your figure, try to eat in the company of no more than 7 people.

Change the food plates - to reduce food consumption, it is enough to change the dishes in which you eat. If instead of dishes with a diameter of 30 cm, you serve what you have prepared in a plate with 5 cm smaller, it will significantly reduce food intake by at least 20-25%. And these are the coveted extra 500 calories a day.
