The Secrets Of Good Homemade Ice Cream

The Secrets Of Good Homemade Ice Cream
The Secrets Of Good Homemade Ice Cream

Ice cream - one of the favorite treats of children and adults. This dessert can taste like chocolate, coffee, vanilla, caramel, fruit, nuts, mint, green tea and what not.

Ah, do you know how to do it homemade ice cream?. If you know the following secrets for its preparation, your family will surely appreciate the work you put in.

Ice cream is made from whipped cream, which is mixed with egg yolks, milk, sugar and various additives. Some homemade ice cream recipes lack milk and egg yolks, while others may contain cottage cheese and yogurt. However, in all methods for making homemade ice cream there are common subtleties and secrets.

Use only high quality and fresh products - natural cream, expensive high quality chocolate, ripe and juicy fruits. The fattier the dairy products, the softer the ice cream will be, so choose a cream of 30% fat.

Do not forget about thickeners, which are important ingredients in dessert, because they make its texture soft, velvety and at the same time thick. Gelatin, egg yolks, starch or powdered milk are usually used as thickeners - thanks to them, ice cream does not melt for a long time. Otherwise, after 10 minutes of the ice cream ball in the bowl will get a milky puddle.

Next secret to making ice cream - to get a more even consistency, it is recommended to use powdered sugar instead of crystal. Before freezing, the mixture should resemble sour cream in density, as too liquid a base for ice cream in its finished form will acquire a watery consistency.

Homemade ice cream
Homemade ice cream

To give the ice cream a more spicy taste, add a little cognac, rum or liqueur to it, of course if only adults will consume it. Children enjoy chocolate ice cream, such as fruit, cookies, nuts or fruit juices. Keep in mind that alcohol slightly increases the time required for making ice cream at homeand its juices give it a creamy texture.

All liquid additives (juices, syrups, alcohol) are added to ice cream at the stage of initial mixing of the products, but nuts and pieces of fruit are better to introduce after the ice cream thickens. If you make ice cream with gelatin, first dissolve it and only then heat it.

During the freezing process, stir the ice cream as often as possible. If you have the opportunity, every 15 minutes. When it becomes soft and even, leave it in the freezer for another 3 hours or more, it all depends on the temperature. The cooled ice cream is smashed to get rid of the ice crystals. The curing time also depends on the recipe, the different types of ice cream have their own cooking characteristics.

The ice cream is served in beautiful bowls or cups, decorated with fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, cookies, jam or a sprig of mint. You can pour dessert fruit, chocolate, coffee syrup, sprinkle with cinnamon, poppy seeds or cocoa powder. It is very original to serve ice cream in waffle cones, on a stick, in cups with fruit or in the form of balls in combination with various pastries.
