Mexican Cuisine: Traditions And Color

Mexican Cuisine: Traditions And Color
Mexican Cuisine: Traditions And Color

Mexico - a country of great abundance, endowed with many divine fruits. Mango, cocoa, peanuts, pineapple, rice, corn, avocado, coffee, wheat, pepper, cacti and agave - a long list of fruits and vegetables harvested and used by ancient tribes inhabiting Mexican lands - Aztecs and Toltecs.

The Mexican "full glass" gave the old world a culture without which sophisticated cuisine is unthinkable today, nor the most ordinary kitchen snack bar. Modern Mexican cuisine has its roots for more than thirty centuries and still holds many delicious secrets. With the massive development of agriculture, pumpkin, pepper, potatoes, corn and tomatoes appeared on the table.

Whole grains and cocoa are very valuable for trade among people in Central America. Residents of desert areas prepare cactus dishes called "Nopal". Mexico is also home to many different species of farm-raised birds. Fresh water and the sea are also good sources of food for the locals. The rich catches of frogs, shrimps, fish, turtles and crabs bring additional color to the local table.

It is wrong to think that all Mexican dishes are too spicy. In the Mexican culinary tradition there is an established rule - to find the essence of each product to achieve harmony in the combination of flavors. The amazing flavors and spices added to the food only emphasize the specificity of a product.

By the way, not all dishes to which hot pepper is added are a symbol of Mexican cuisine. After the Spanish colonization, which brought with it wheat, sugar cane, peas, beans, onions, parsley, beets, some types of domestic animals (pigs, cows, sheep), the local cuisine gradually began to change, becoming more diverse. Cocoa is already prepared with milk and sugar and served with a sumptuous aromatic foam in a porcelain cup.


Over time, Mexican food is enriched more and more by imports of products from other countries - portable rice from China, which is used for quick cooking, is becoming an important part of Mexican cuisine and now most Mexican dishes are served on table with rice garnish.

The French opened restaurants serving food with cheese, wine, liqueurs, delicious desserts and pastries, the Germans drilled the first coffee plantations and brought Mexicans German beer other than local and new ways of cooking pork.

With the British, Mexico developed habits - drinking tea and cooking grilled beef. Thanks to the mixture of all these cultures, today Mexican cuisine is one of the most colorful in the world.
