The Perfect Diet Is With Wine, Fish And Beans

The Perfect Diet Is With Wine, Fish And Beans
The Perfect Diet Is With Wine, Fish And Beans

The perfect diet for the mind contains wine, fish and beans, say American scientists. The diet is designed to reduce the aging of the brain. According to scientists, if a person follows a proper diet, he can rejuvenate his brain by up to eight years.

When a person eats good food, it will reduce cognitive impairment, scientists explain, and will significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases such as Alzheimer's.

What should we eat to keep our brains young?

First of all, the diet includes three servings a day, which contain leafy vegetables, some nuts, a glass of wine and of course - cereals.

It is recommended to eat a lot of legumes - lentils, beans, and the menu must have added enough fruit, the Americans explain. Meat should not be missed - it is recommended to eat mostly chicken.

Scientists advise adding it to other foods at least twice a week. Fish is also not underestimated with its nutritional qualities - it can be eaten once a week, the Americans explain.


To maintain a young brain, people should avoid certain foods. This for full-fat cheeses and milks, margarine. It is not recommended to consume red meat and fried foods.

Scientists advise to avoid any type of fast food and to limit to a minimum, and if possible even to exclude confectionery.

To reach these conclusions and create a similar diet, scientists have studied about 960 people in Chicago. All participants were elderly and took part in the study voluntarily, say experts from Rush University Medical Center.

Cognitive decline is an absolutely normal part of the aging of the body, experts explain. However, with strict adherence to the diet, this process can be significantly slowed down - by about 7.5 years, scientists summarize the results.
