Who Are Vegans?

Who Are Vegans?
Who Are Vegans?

If you think this word is new to you, you are not entirely right. Vegan, veganism or veganism are the three accepted concepts in our country for people who are vegetarians. Veganism is a way of life that rejects the use of animal products.

Vegans are strict vegetarians who not only eat exclusively plant products, but also do not use animal products, even indirectly related to them.

Veganism, along with vegetarianism, has become a popular way of life, especially in Western Europe and America, where many vegan establishments, restaurants, bakeries, etc. have been opened in the last decades of the 20th century, and there are many online stores specializing in the Internet. in the sale of vegan foods.

The author of the word vegan is the British Donald Watson, who formed it from the English word vegetarian, using the beginning and end of the word.

This word began to be used officially with the establishment of the Vegan Society on November 1, 1944 in London, whose founder was Donald Watson himself. Vegans already have a special World Vegan Day - November 1.

Vegans have not only the mission not to consume animal products, but also to protect animal rights in every possible way.

Way of Eating
Way of Eating

Vegans are against killing animals for food and clothing, against using them for scientific experiments, including in the testing of drugs and cosmetics. So it's not just about nutrition, it's about deeply held beliefs and inaccessible principles.

Of course, most of us know the benefits of animal products, and it makes sense to ask ourselves whether vegans eat safely. The American Nutrition Association takes the position that a vegan diet must be as well planned as any other to be safe.

Their diet is very low in fat and it is extremely important to get the right amount of fatty acids from nuts, olive oil, avocado and whole soy milk.

Vegans completely exclude meat, fish and other sea animals, eggs and dairy products from their diet. Prohibited and undesirable for use and consumption are:

- products of animal origin - leather, silk, wool, etc.;

- honey (for the strictest vegans);

- products with animal components - gelatin, glycerin, etc.;

- products produced by animal refining;

- certain types of sugar, etc.;

- products that have been tested on animals (cosmetics, tobacco, etc.);
