Kokum - The Substitute For Cocoa Butter

Kokum - The Substitute For Cocoa Butter
Kokum - The Substitute For Cocoa Butter

Kokum is a tree whose fruit is widely used in cooking, as well as for pharmaceutical and industrial purposes. It is grown in the west coastal regions of South India and is rarely found outside this area.

Contains B-complex, vitamins such as niacin, thiamine and folic acid. They are also high in vitamin C and are a good source of magnesium and potassium. Fresh bright red fruits are mixed with sugar and made into bright red squash, which is bottled for sale.

Kokum syrup is diluted with water and used as a refreshing drink.

Mostly Kokum fruits are sold dried. They have the appearance of dried bark with a dark purple to black color and are sticky to the touch. When added to food, they give it a pinkish-purple color and a sweet-sour taste. They are often added to soups, fish dishes, vegetable dishes and more.

Kokum has the same properties as tamarind. Fruit concentrate is also used to make the famous bright red Muslim drink Sherbet.

Kokum seeds contain 23-26% oil, which remains solid at room temperature because it has a high melting point (34-40 ° C) and contains up to 60-65 percent saturated fatty acid. The oil melts easily on contact with the skin.

It is for this reason that it is often used instead of cocoa butter. This quality makes it an ideal choice for cosmetic and confectionery uses.

Kokum oil has a non-greasy texture and is easily absorbed by the skin. As it is not easy to oxidize and contains vitamin E, this oil is a very popular additive in creams and lotions.

In the confectionery industry it is mainly used for the production of chocolates due to its high melting point and so the candies become suitable for warmer climates.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is one of the components of Kokumwhich is known as a fat killer. It has the function of suppressing the synthesis of fatty acids in the body and causing weight loss. Studies show that HCA suppresses appetite.
