Delicious And Healthy Keto Foods

Delicious And Healthy Keto Foods
Delicious And Healthy Keto Foods

The ketogenic diet is low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein and higher in fat.

This diet has many benefits, improves health, loses weight and removes excess fat.

If you want to try this diet, check out this list of delicious and useful keto foods!

1. Red peppers

Red peppers are a great addition to salads and other main dishes, and you can eat them raw.

Nutritional value for 150 g

Calories - 46.2

Fat - 0.4 g

Saturated fat - 0.0 g

Cholesterol - 0.0 g

Sodium - 6.0 g

Carbohydrates - 9.4 g

Sugar - 6.3 g

Fiber - 3.1 g

Protein - 1.5 g

2. Keto bars

Keto bars
Keto bars

If you want something sweet, then keto bars are a great alternative and you can find them in any store.

Nutritional value for 1 keto bar:

Calories - 170

Fat - 11 g

Saturated fat - 3, 5 g

Cholesterol - 0.0

Sodium - 70 mg

Carbohydrates - 16 g

Sugar - 2 g

Fiber - 9 g

Protein - 9 g

Roasted almonds

Keto salted almonds
Keto salted almonds

Almonds are delicious satiating nuts, and you can eat salted roasted almonds from them in the office or if you are outside and suddenly get hungry.

Nutritional value for 28 years

Calories - 167

Fat - 14.8 g

Saturated fat - 1.1 mg

Cholesterol - 0.0 mg

Sodium - 94.9 mg

Carbohydrates - 5.4 mg

Sugar - 1.4 mg

Fiber - 3.3 mg

Protein - 6.2 mg

Cashew oil

Keto cashew oil
Keto cashew oil

Cashew butter is a great choice for breakfast, you can make it yourself.

What you will need is a little raw cashews, coconut oil and a blender

Nutritional value for 1 tbsp.

Calories - 83

Fat - 6 g

Saturated fat - 1 g

Cholesterol - 0 g

Sodium - 76 mg

Carbohydrates - 4 g

Sugar - 1 g

Fiber - 1 g

Protein - 3 g

Cheddar cheese

Cheddar cheese is a keto product
Cheddar cheese is a keto product

Another option for a delicious and nutritious breakfast, add it to an omelet or toast sandwich.

Nutritional value for 1 piece (28g)

Calories - 113

Fat - 9.3 g

Saturated fat - 5.5 g

Cholesterol - 29.4 mg

Sodium - 174 mg

Carbohydrates - 0.4 g

Sugar - 0.1 g

Protein - 7 g

Olives (canned)

Canned olives are keto
Canned olives are keto

Olives are high in fat and low in carbohydrates, and are a great choice to eat throughout the day.

Nutritional value in 28 g

Calories - 32

Fat - 3.0 g

Cholesterol - 0.0 mg

Sodium - 24 mg

Carbohydrates - 1.8 g

Sugar - 0.0 g

Fiber - 0.9 g

Protein - 0.2 g

Ideas for homemade keto dishes

Roasted zucchini with yellow cheese
Roasted zucchini with yellow cheese

1. Rolls of grilled zucchini stuffed with a mixture of cheese, capers, olives, basil and lemon juice;

2. Stuffed mushrooms with a mixture of cream cheese, mayonnaise, cream, spinach and artichokes;

3. Roasted cauliflower with yogurt sauce and sesame tahini.

4. Choose one of the recipes for keto bread.

5. Keto pancakes;

6. Keto recipes with cocoa.
