Brussels Sprouts Protect Against All Kinds Of Diseases

Video: Brussels Sprouts Protect Against All Kinds Of Diseases

Video: Brussels Sprouts Protect Against All Kinds Of Diseases
Video: Brussels Sprout Benefits and Side Effects, Brussels Sprout High in Nutrients 2024, September
Brussels Sprouts Protect Against All Kinds Of Diseases
Brussels Sprouts Protect Against All Kinds Of Diseases

Researchers of plant nutrients have found ingredients in Brussels sprouts that help our body's defense system fight cancer and other dangerous diseases. Brussels sprouts, as well as other cruciferous vegetables, "disarm" the chemicals that cause cancer and at the same time strengthen the enzymes that protect our body from poisoning.

Studies by Dutch researchers suggest that Brussels sprouts protect our body from cancer by keeping our DNA healthy. DNA is responsible for the division of cells in our body.

When the structure of our DNA is disrupted, cells can begin to divide faster than normal, which can lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor. Many studies prove that Brussels sprouts have the ability to protect our DNA from damage.

The researchers conducted a study by dividing a group of healthy men into two. One group ate 300 grams of Brussels sprouts a day, while the other had no cruciferous vegetables included in their diet. After three weeks, men who ate Brussels sprouts had 28% fewer DNA disorders.

Reduce digestive cancer with Brussels sprouts.

The nutrients in Brussels sprouts protect the body from heterocyclic amines, which are cancer-causing ingredients in grilled or charcoal-fried meat. These carcinogens are commonly associated with colon cancer. Animal studies have shown that those given Brussels sprout juice and heterocyclic aminocarcinogen are less likely to develop cancer.

Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts

Animals given Brussels sprouts had a reduced number of precancerous cells in the colon and liver, as well as a drastic reduction in precancerous liver damage. These amazing results are the result of the strong ability of Brussels sprouts to protect the body from poisoning and cleanse the colon.

Brussels sprouts also contain fiber, which nourishes the cells that make up the walls of the colon and prevents diseases with it, including cancer.

Brussels sprouts help with bladder cancer.

Other studies show that Brussels sprouts protect against bladder cancer. The diets of 697 people diagnosed with bladder cancer were compared with those of another 708 people of the same age, gender and ethnicity who were physically healthy.

The average daily intake of Brussels sprouts, as well as other cruciferous vegetables, was significantly lower in cancer patients than in healthy people. Those who ate Brussels sprouts and cruciferous vegetables had a 29% lower risk of developing bladder cancer than those who ate the least.

Brussels sprouts protect against all kinds of diseases
Brussels sprouts protect against all kinds of diseases

The greatest benefit was in people with the highest risk of bladder cancer, including men, smokers and the elderly.

The properties of Brussels sprouts against bladder cancer come from its high levels of isotocyanites, which are strong anticarcinogens. They pass through the bladder to be expelled, which makes them especially strong against this form of cancer.

Prevention of breast cancer

Sulforaphane is released from Brussels sprouts and has been shown to speed up the process of releasing enzymes from the measuring liver, which protect the body from poisoning by chemicals that cause cancer. Research has shown that sulforaphane can stop the spread of cancer cells in the breast, even if they are in a more advanced stage.

Protection against prostate cancer

A study of 1,000 people at the Seattle Cancer Research Center found that eating 28 different vegetables a week reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 35 percent. However, those who ate 3 or more cruciferous vegetables a week had a 44% lower risk of prostate cancer.

Many people say they do not like to eat Brussels sprouts. If you are not a fan of this amazing vegetable, try cutting it into small pieces and sprinkle it on the salad. You will not be able to taste them, but you will still get ingredients that strengthen your health and protect your body from disease.
