Mashed Potatoes With Coffee - A Combination You Never Thought Of

Mashed Potatoes With Coffee - A Combination You Never Thought Of
Mashed Potatoes With Coffee - A Combination You Never Thought Of

Has it ever occurred to you to combine a cup of black coffee with mashed potatoes? If not, it's time to try this combination, a British scientist told the Independent.

Mashed potatoes on the Island are usually served with Gravy sauce, but a recent study claims that you will show real mastery if you add a little coffee.

Physicist Sebastian Annert of the University of Cambridge has devoted much of his professional career to the study of unusual food combinations.

He found that most foods in Western cuisine can be freely combined because they have the same aromatic molecules. This allows them to complement each other perfectly.

Coffee is combined with potatoes
Coffee is combined with potatoes

The physicist says that you should not limit yourself to experimenting with new taste combinations, because the foods we eat every day can be perfectly combined, so the probability of making a mistake is minimal.

Dr. Annert says he tried it for the first time the combination of potatoes and coffee in an elite Parisian restaurant, where he was served a dessert of the products in question.

From the first bite, he felt that they complemented each other perfectly and since then he has been making mashed potatoes with coffee instead of fresh milk.

Meat with vanilla sauce
Meat with vanilla sauce

The physicist also offers other rare combinations such as pork with vanilla sauce and mussels with strawberries, which he says go well together.

They are often served this way in East Asian countries, where they are big fans of non-traditional combinations between sweet and sour.
