Moderate Beer Consumption Helps To Lose Weight

Moderate Beer Consumption Helps To Lose Weight
Moderate Beer Consumption Helps To Lose Weight

The next time you go out with friends to a restaurant, think carefully about what to order. If until now you have stopped drinking beer often, so as not to form the so-called "beer belly", you can no longer worry about it.

Beer belly is a thing of the past because, according to a recent study by Americans, moderate consumption of hop drink can help us lose weight. Of course, there is a catch and it lies in the fact that beer consumption should be moderate. The study found moderate to three glasses a week.

According to the study, people who drink two or three glasses of beer each week definitely have a lower body mass index than others who are not fans of beer.

According to another study, a pint of beer will affect your genes much better than if you drank a cup of coffee. Scientists are adamant that the hop drink can have a positive effect on the DNA structure, but coffee definitely has a negative effect.


Consumption of caffeinated beverage shortens telomeres, which are actually something like a protector of DNA cells. Despite the data obtained by experts from the study, it is claimed that it is still too early to draw a definitive conclusion from all this about how useful or harmful coffee and beer are.

Research needs to continue - in this way it will be possible to make a more complete analysis of both drinks and how exactly they affect human cells.

Two cups of coffee a day help us reduce the risk of heart attack - by 11 percent. There is still no conclusive evidence that the risk is reduced, but experts are convinced that this may be due to the antioxidant properties of coffee.

In addition, the consumption of caffeinated beverages is useful for those who are at risk of developing diabetes. Up to 4 cups of coffee a day will reduce this risk by about 7 percent, experts say. The risk of insulin resistance is also reduced.
