Muffin - A Little Cupcake, A Great Treat

Muffin - A Little Cupcake, A Great Treat
Muffin - A Little Cupcake, A Great Treat

Very rarely do people become interested in the history of the simplest things that surround us. One of these stories is the story of muffins - the little sweet American or English cupcakes that have become a favorite food of many peoples around the world.

The muffins they can be sweet or salty, stuffed or spicy, and when cooked, they are always perfect. They usually have a slightly moist structure, with a gentle texture of the dough and double their volume during baking. Ingredients can vary according to taste and are considered a traditional American morning meal.

Their essential difference with other pasta snacks and desserts is that in order to make them it is necessary to follow a specific method, called the muffin method or a method of mixing dry and liquid ingredients.

The technology for this method involves a process in which all the dry ingredients are mixed separately from the liquid ones, then the liquid ones are poured into the dry ones, not the other way around, and quickly mixed with a spoon, preferably a wooden one.

This method is used for any quick bread, pancakes or other products that need to obtain a specific structure - coarser and with moderate air bubbles dough.

Due to the fact that the dough is more liquid than other doughs, such as for tartlets, for example, its rapid mixing and retention of more moisture is extremely necessary. Otherwise, more gluten will be formed in it and the resulting muffins will have a rubbery and compact structure.

For filling of muffins you can use all kinds of fruits, chocolate, cheese, meat and spices.

When using fruit, choose targets that you can easily put in the dough - blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries or blackberries. Chocolate is best to break into small pieces, and an even better result is obtained with the so-called chocolate drops or chocolate chips.


When using meat and cheese, they should again be cut into small pieces so as not to cause trouble during baking. All types of filling are placed in the last stage of the dough or directly in it while they are in the molds.

To have successful and delicious muffins, you need to know that:

- before baking the small cupcakes, it is desirable for the oven to be preheated to 200 degrees;

- when mixing liquid and dry ingredients you should not have more than 15 movements and rotations of the spoon and it is preferable to do it from the bottom up;

- always pour the liquid ingredients in the dry, do not do it the other way around, because it really matters for a good result;

- follow the proportions in the given recipe and try to accurately measure the ingredients;

- do not open the oven door for the first 20 minutes of baking, then use the dry stick method to check their readiness.
