This Will Happen To Your Body If You Overdo It With Coca Cola

This Will Happen To Your Body If You Overdo It With Coca Cola
This Will Happen To Your Body If You Overdo It With Coca Cola

The consequences of drinking fizzy drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi too often have been talked about for years, but American George Pryor has decided to show his body what can really happen to you if you overdo it.

The man drank 10 jugs of Coke in different species and measured his weight several times - before the experiment, during the experiment and at the end. The Coca-Cola overdose lasted a month.

The American says that he decided on this experiment because, despite studies that have shown that the consumption of carbonated water is harmful to weight, many people continue to abuse these drinks.

Every day, George drank 10 cans of the popular fizzy drink, which has long been known to overflow with sugar and sweeteners, and as a result he gained nearly 30 pounds in just one month.

At the beginning of his experience, the American weighed 168 kilograms. During the experiment he weighed 176 and 187 kilograms, and in the end his weight reached 190 kilograms.


This is due to the large amount of sugar in the soda, which makes its consumption dangerous. A 2 liter bottle of Coca Cola contains 16 lumps of sugar.

Not only this drink contains an amount of sugar that few people suspect. There are 4 lumps of sugar in a glass of orange juice and about 8 in cocoa drinks.

Experts advise to check the amount of sugar and sweeteners in your drinks and food, not only out of vanity, but also to protect your health.

High levels of sugar in the body prevent the liver from producing insulin, which is the main cause of diabetes.
