Real Soy Sauce Protects Us From Aging

Real Soy Sauce Protects Us From Aging
Real Soy Sauce Protects Us From Aging

Soy sauce is obtained by fermenting soy. It is extremely popular in the countries of East and Southeast Asia. It is prepared by scalding the soybeans, mixing them with roasted wheat grains, then pouring water over them and adding a little salt. The resulting mixture is left to ferment - preferably in the sun in special containers.

The mass reaches the desired state in not less than a year. Dark sauce works more effectively against cell aging than red wine and vitamin C. The ingredients found in it make it 10 times more active in the fight against free radicals.

Gradually, this salty sauce became a favorite spice in our country as well. Most often we add it to rice, fish, mushrooms, soups and more.

In all its variants, soy sauce contains antioxidants. It is to them that it owes its ability to slow down aging, while helping to prevent cancer. Its benefits are many. It has a calming effect, eliminates swelling, helps against insomnia and muscle spasms, headaches and dermatitis.

The dark sauce also contains phytoestrogens. They help women in menopause for a long time to maintain healthy comfort and well-being.


Soy sauce is the most popular among vegetarians. Apart from its great taste, it is also due to the rich content of high quality proteins. They meet the needs of the body when meat is not consumed.

To get all the benefits of soy sauce, you need to make sure that it is real. If hydrochloric acid or GMO raw material is used in the cooking technology, it automatically enters the column of harmful foods. May cause an allergic reaction in babies or pregnant women and increase salt in the body.

In addition to the listed ingredients, natural extracts such as garlic, dill and others can be added to the high-quality soy sauce to change the taste. And such a combination of products is not only delicious but also very useful. Quality soy sauce is stored in glass bottles.

On the other hand, soy sauce has an extremely high salt content - between 14% and 18%. Therefore, its use should be moderate. In larger quantities it can be deadly. If you drink a bottle of it, you will fall into a coma.
