Mixing Foods Is The Key To Health

Mixing Foods Is The Key To Health
Mixing Foods Is The Key To Health

It is important not only what and how much you eat, but also how you combine foods. Because as there are bad, so logically there are good combinations. Here are some combinations of foods that guarantee health.

Green tea + lemon for the heart

A Japanese study of more than 40,000 people found that those who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had a lower risk of dying from heart failure or stroke.

Researchers attribute this protective effect to catechins - powerful antioxidants found especially in green tea. The problem in this case is that only less than 20% of these relatively unstable substances survive after digestion.

To extract more from each glass, squeeze a little lemon juice inside. Vitamin C contained in lemons helps the body absorb 13 times more catechins than it would receive from pure tea.

Spinach + avocado for better vision

Spinach is undoubtedly good for the eyes, but avocado makes it even more effective. It has been found that when people eat a salad of lettuce, spinach and carrots with 3 teaspoons of avocado, they absorb 8 times more alpha-carotene, 13 times more beta-carotene and 4.5 times more lutein than if they eat a salad without avocado.

Healthy fats in avocados increase the absorption of these fat-soluble carotenoids, which are associated with a reduced risk of eye spots and cataracts.

Mediterranean diet + nuts for metabolism

This type of diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, olive oil and grains, is associated with many benefits - from weight loss to a reduced risk of Parkinson's and heart failure.

New research shows that people with metabolic syndrome (a condition characterized by high cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and excess fat in the abdomen) can reduce these symptoms by adding an extra serving of mixed nuts to their health.

The fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids in nuts help regulate insulin and blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of inflammation.

Eggs + orange juice fight fatigue and anemia

If you don't eat a lot of meat, you may feel a general weakness because you are not getting enough iron. The body easily absorbs iron from meat, but only 2 to 20% of the iron contained in vegetables, legumes and eggs reaches the blood.

An effective helper is vitamin C. It makes iron up to 6 times more soluble, which means that the body can absorb it almost 100% and not feel tired, which in this case is indicative of the danger of anemia.

Roast meat + carrots for strong immunity

Carrots are very rich in vitamin A (retinol, which plays a key role in preventing and fighting infections). But without zinc, which is found in beef, the body cannot absorb retinol as effectively.

Vitamin A is distributed in the blood only if it is bound to a protein. And zinc is needed for this protein. So, if there is not enough zinc, vitamin A will not spread from the liver to the tissues where it performs its function.
