Vegetarian Diet

Video: Vegetarian Diet

Video: Vegetarian Diet
Video: LIVE IT: Reduce Risk of Chronic Diseases with a Vegetarian Diet 2024, September
Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian Diet

This diet is not only for vegetarians, but also for those who just want to cleanse their body and feel light and airy.

The diet is calculated for four weeks and promises a loss of six to ten pounds. Drink low-fat milk every day as a supplement to tea or coffee.

Drink an unlimited amount of mineral water and you can drink a glass of dry white wine every day. Do not sweeten your tea and coffee with any sweeteners.

Before breakfast, on an empty stomach, drink a teaspoon of water with the addition of the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Eat thirty grams of sugar-free muesli with milk, an apple and an orange.

Vegetarian diet
Vegetarian diet

Before lunch, eat something sweet - for example, six squares of chocolate, diet biscuits, milk cream or fruit yogurt. You can replace them with a handful of nuts.

At lunch, eat a large fresh salad and two hundred grams of boiled potatoes sprinkled with thirty grams of cheese or wholemeal pasta with tomato sauce and six shrimp.

You can replace this dish with fish or grilled meat, served, of course, with a fresh salad. In the afternoon eat a fruit, it is good to choose an apple or pear.

For dinner, eat stewed vegetables and a foil-baked trout or mackerel. Another option is stewed cauliflower with a sauce made from a tablespoon of butter, a teaspoon of flour, two hundred milliliters of milk, thirty grams of cheese.

You can have dinner with one hundred and fifty grams of boiled and drained ripe beans and a whole-grain slice, or replace them with a small plate of whole-grain pasta with tuna and tomatoes.

Use these recommendations as a basis and improvise on this basis. So in four weeks you will become more slender and far more ethereal creatures.
