Tips For Pickling Root Vegetables

Tips For Pickling Root Vegetables
Tips For Pickling Root Vegetables

Although we know how good they are for our health, not all of us like to eat raw root vegetables. Here we will show you how you can make them marinatedso as to delight even the most demanding of you.

It's not about canning them - there are separate recipes for that. It is good only to marinated root vegetables, leave them for a few hours in a cool place (preferably at least 12) and then enjoy eating them.

Tips for pickling root vegetables

Marinated carrots

Marinated carrots
Marinated carrots

- Carrots, probably one of the most used by us root vegetables, marinate best in a prepared marinade of olive oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper. It is good to lightly boil them in water, vinegar and salt beforehand so that they soften and then marinate them;

Cocktail carrots

- You can also prepare cocktail carrots, which are also good to be pre-soaked in the marinade, which is prepared from soy sauce, lemon juice, salt and a little water. Peel the carrots, cut them into sticks, cover them with the marinade and leave it for about 1 hour. When serving them in a glass, add a little of the liquid so that they can continue to taste;

Marinated beets

- Beets, which is one of the most revered root vegetables in Russia, it can be marinated in a mixture of vinegar, sugar and salt. Exemplary proportions for 500 g of beets are 100 ml of vinegar, 50 g of sugar and 50 g of salt. For this purpose, the beets are boiled, peeled, cut into slices or cubes and arranged in jars. The indicated the marinade boil together with a little water and pour over the already prepared beets. After about 5 hours it will have absorbed the aromas, but it is best to leave it in the cold for 24 hours and only then consume it;

Marinated beets
Marinated beets

Marinated celery

- Another root vegetableswhich we can find everywhere in our country is celery. However, in order to diversify the Bulgarian table a bit, we will show you here how to marinate celery in Greek. In a saucepan pour a little water, olive oil, lemon juice, white pepper, thyme and fennel (fresh) and add salt to taste. Mix everything and put the peeled and cut into circles or lengthwise celery. Bring to the boil and leave on the stove for about 10 minutes so that the spices can absorb into the celery. When everything cools down, put it in the fridge and after about 24 hours you can enjoy the marinated celery prepared in Greek.

See all our delicious root recipes.
