When Does Meat Become Harmful?

When Does Meat Become Harmful?
When Does Meat Become Harmful?

Discussions about whether meat is more useful or more harmful to human health are not from yesterday. If meat consumption is reduced to 2-3 times a week, 45,000 lives could be saved in the UK alone.

This was stated by doctors and specialists from the environmental organization Friends of the Earth, quoted by the Guardian newspaper. The authors of the study do not call for a complete cessation of meat consumption, and it should be reduced to 210 grams per week.

The transition to a lower-meat diet will protect 31,000 people from premature death from heart problems, 9,000 from cancer and 5,000 from stroke, the researchers said.

In addition, reducing meat consumption would help save £ 1.2 million for the National Health Service, as well as help stop climate change and deforestation in South America.

In the interest of truth, the assimilation of meat is not the easiest task for the human body. If you eat meat without restriction, an excess of animal protein can lead to calcium loss, urinary tract congestion, an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and the formation of tumors.


Of course, higher consumption of animal protein can be justified, but with a strenuous exercise. With an inactive lifestyle, the opposite happens - too much protein in the menu will do you more harm than good.

In this case, you may be wondering what is the daily intake of meat that will not harm your body. In adults, the recommended daily dose of protein is 0.6-0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.

In this case, only half of this norm should be covered by animal proteins, and the other half - by vegetable proteins. This makes no more than 50 g of meat per day.

Eating more than 100 grams of red meat a day can lead to an increased risk of stomach cancer. Therefore, the recommended dose of red meat is 3 small portions per week. The rest of the time, eat white poultry, fish or liver.
