What Can We Cure By Eating Raw Fruits And Vegetables?

What Can We Cure By Eating Raw Fruits And Vegetables?
What Can We Cure By Eating Raw Fruits And Vegetables?

Consumption of raw fruits and vegetables as a dosed treatment gives unexpectedly good results in a number of diseases. The duration of the raw food regime is decided individually in consultation with nutritionists.

In raw food, the food is taken in its natural form, without any culinary processing.

And here's what we can cure by eating raw fruits and vegetables:

1. Gout and diseases with increased uric acid in the blood. In these diseases it is necessary to limit the intake of legumes;

2. Senile diabetes and obesity. The so-called green days are recommended, during which only vegetables in combination with vegetable oils can be eaten. It is advisable to apply a strict vegetarian diet;

3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - cardiac decompensation, atherosclerosis and severe hypertension. Unloading milk days and periodically a strict vegetarian diet are usually prescribed;

4. Acute and chronic kidney disease. Unloading days with fruit, fruit and vegetable juices and the occasional strict vegetarian diet are recommended;

5. Epilepsy and spasmophilia - by eating raw fruits and vegetables and vegetarianism limits the intake of salt in the body, which, in turn, helps the accumulation of bromine salts;


6. Thrombophlebitis and allergic diseases - here vegetarianism serves as a prophylactic;

7. Diseases of the liver and bile ducts;

8. Constipation - the vegetarian diet facilitates bowel movements, but in the elderly it can have the opposite effect;

9. Diseases of the nervous system - by eating raw fruits and vegetables improves appetite, metabolism, physical activity and mood.

Caution should be exercised with raw food in gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic enterocolitis, myxedema and Bazeda's disease.
