What Is Cardamom Good For?

What Is Cardamom Good For?
What Is Cardamom Good For?

Cardamom is from the ginger family and contains many useful minerals and vitamins. According to Ayurvedic medicine, cardamom is suitable for many ailments - from digestive problems to depression and infectious diseases.

Cardamom has antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agents. The spice contains cineole, which gives a very pleasant eucalyptus aroma, pine - transmits the aroma of pine thistles, lemon - with the aroma of citrus and linalool - with the aroma of lily of the valley.

Since ancient times, the spice has been used to strengthen the muscles of the stomach and to stimulate bile. According to some sources, in ancient Egypt the spice was used for various cosmetic ointments. It is often added to perfumes and aromatic oils because it has a strong odor.

Cardamom is believed to stimulate the appetite and treat high stomach acidity.

Cardamom is also said to be a spice that can save cancer patients. Cardamom is very fragrant and aids digestion, according to various studies. It also helps to detoxify the body. It is also very suitable for urinary tract infections.

Benefits of Cardamom
Benefits of Cardamom

It is also recommended for muscle pain. Regular use of the spice can help hypertensives - cardamom lowers blood pressure. In addition, cardamom prevents the formation of blood clots.

The spice also has a positive effect on the nervous system - it relieves tension and also stimulates the brain. Very often the spice is used to treat coughs, asthma and bronchitis - cardamom removes mucus from the body.

Very often the spice is used to treat toothache, clean the oral cavity and freshen the breath. It is believed that cardamom can adversely affect only people who suffer from asthma.

The aromatic spice can be used externally - the seeds are mashed and applied. This way you can relieve your headache. The decoction of the seeds is used for vomiting and to relieve gas in the stomach.

In cooking, cardamom ranks third as the most expensive spice in the world. Before him are only saffron and vanilla.
