Foods That Support Collagen Production

Foods That Support Collagen Production
Foods That Support Collagen Production

Collagen is one of the main elements responsible for skin type. In order for it to be soft, smooth and elastic, it must be synthesized in normal amounts in the body. With age, however, its natural production decreases.

That is why we need to find a way to get it from an external factor.

Such are the various foods that stimulate collagen production and supply the body with such.

Here are the foods you need to focus on to enjoy beautiful skin for many years to come!

1. Soy and soy products

Due to the content of genistein these foods promote collagen production. The substance slows down aging and the appearance of signs of age.

2. Omega-3 fatty acids

Apart from being the beneficial fats that promote the health of the body, these substances also support the production of collagen. You can get them from some fish and seafood delicacies such as tuna and salmon, as well as from some nuts - cashews, walnuts, almonds.

3. Fruits and vegetables

Foods that support collagen production
Foods that support collagen production

All are healthy and useful, but there are certain ones stimulate collagen production. These are the red ones - because of their lycopene content. That is why it is good to have at least one of the following products in your menu: tomatoes, carrots, paprika, sweet potatoes (although they are not red, they are included here), red beets, strawberries.

Vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin C are also a must. Citrus fruits are one of the most powerful sources of collagen.

4. Legumes

You can hardly imagine that legumes contain the well-known hyaluronic acid, which many women "take" in more unnatural ways. Two tablespoons of beans a day are enough to have young and radiant skin. Beans are a wonderful and nutritious side dish that could replace mashed potatoes.

5. Prunes

Foods that support collagen production
Foods that support collagen production

They have strong antioxidant properties that fight free radicals in the body. We know that the latter are responsible for the rapid aging of the skin. Blueberries are also a powerful antioxidant, whose properties also destroy radicals.

6. Green vegetables

And more precisely the dark-leaved ones. Cabbage, spinach and the like are great ways to make your menu healthier and get valuable items for the body. In addition, the lutein they possess in abundance takes care of collagen synthesis and good skin appearance.

Collagen synthesis is one of the most important processes in the body, thanks to which we look younger, energetic and radiant. These products are a natural solution for obtaining it and a way to protect your skin from the harmful effects of various factors, including weather.
