In Bulgaria We Drink 13 Liters Of Wine A Year

In Bulgaria We Drink 13 Liters Of Wine A Year
In Bulgaria We Drink 13 Liters Of Wine A Year

The Bulgarian drinks an average of 13 liters of wine a year, most of which is home-made. Experts say this figure is approximate, as it is difficult to track the exact amount of home-made wine.

The wine specialist Vili Galabova told the Telegraph newspaper that according to official data, the Bulgarian buys between 7 and 8 liters of wine a year. This is more or less the same as the amount produced at home.

Consumption statistics show that our people prefer Bulgarian wine to imported wine.

The most favorite wine of the Bulgarians is white, followed by red and then rose, which in recent years has become increasingly popular and its sales in Bulgaria have jumped.

Last year's study by the California Wine Institute found that Europe drank the most wine compared to other continents.

Red wine
Red wine

According to this study, most wine is drunk in the Vatican. On average, one person in the smallest European country drinks 74 liters of wine in a calendar year.

After the Vatican is Andorra, where there are 46.41 liters of wine per capita. The French rank third in terms of wine consumption worldwide with 44.19 liters per year.

The fourth place in the ranking is occupied by Slovenia, where each inhabitant drank an average of 43.27 liters of wine in one year.

A parallel study by Euromonitor International traced where in the world most hard alcohol such as vodka, whiskey and the Korean drink soju is consumed.

According to this study, South Korea is the leader in hard alcohol consumption by 500 milliliters per week. Russia remains in second place, where each inhabitant drinks an average of 220 milliliters a week.

The top five is complemented by Thailand, Poland and Japan, and Bulgaria ranks 7th with a consumption of 150 milliliters of hard alcohol per week.
