Drinks Prevent Weight Loss

Drinks Prevent Weight Loss
Drinks Prevent Weight Loss

Losing weight often becomes a fixed idea, falling victim to some of the preferred foods. However, there is another unpleasant part of the restrictions - stopping the consumption of some of your favorite drinks.

What do we need to know about the various drinks that are part of our daily lives and to which we must be more or less attentive if we want to keep our line fine?

Carbonated drinks - nutritionists will say that carbonated drinks are one of the first elements of our diet that we must give up if we want to be thin.

Yes, in some cases they lead to bloating, but this is not the harm to their figure. What is far more unpleasant is that soft drinks are a source of large amounts of empty calories, which increase the number of calories consumed per day several times.

Water - there is almost no need to talk about water. As well as being the basis of life, it is also an essential element of any well-planned diet aimed at weight loss. A few sips of water replace a few hundred extra calories.

Drinks prevent weight loss
Drinks prevent weight loss

Fruit juices - like carbonated drinks and fruit juices are a source of many calories. On average, about 45 kcal per 100 ml. In order not to consume so many empty calories, but also to get the most out of the fruit, it is best to choose completely natural products.

Hot chocolate - in most restaurants you will be served hot chocolate with cream and milk, and just as much fat as in a serving of french fries. To do this, skip the cream and milk and you will have a delicious, warm drink useful for weight loss with no more than 120 calories and 14 g of fat.

Green tea - a natural stimulant of weight loss is green tea. Consumption of green tea provides a healthy heart and antiviral agents. It acts as a regulator of blood sugar levels, improves metabolism and repeatedly accelerates the melting of fat. It is recommended to drink green tea daily during the diet. Scientists claim that 5 glasses a day is the magic number for weight loss.
