Pitanga (Surinamese Cherry)

Pitanga (Surinamese Cherry)
Pitanga (Surinamese Cherry)

Pitanga is a tropical fruit, also called Surinamese cherry. It is found in tropical South America such as Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and northern Argentina. Ripe fruits are also eaten raw. In addition, they can be used to make jams, pies, juices and more.

This fruit is rich in antioxidants that help prevent free radicals, which are the main cause of inflammation and disease. They are also to blame for atherosclerosis, which pitanga also fights. The fruit contains phosphorus, vitamin C, riboflavin, iron and niacin. They have antiseptic, antitumor, astringent and antibacterial properties. Provide relief from diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.

The sufficient amount of vitamin C in pitanga fruits makes them a powerful immunostimulant. Studies show that eating fruits high in vitamin C reduces the risk of developing cancer. It also increases the blood supply to the eyes and protects against diseases such as cataracts.

Vitamin A helps to eradicate toxins and free radicals from the body that damage the skin. It provides soft and supple skin by retaining moisture, preventing dryness and skin conditions such as psoriasis. This vitamin contained in high levels in pitanga, reduces the production of excess sebum and reduces acne. Strengthens the skin, improves the health and vitality of the skin. Helps maintain mucous membranes and skin tissues.

The vitamin successfully copes with toxins in the body due to its antioxidant properties. Helps maintain bone shape and health. Vitamin A ensures proper muscle development and prevents the development of muscular dystrophy.

Surinamese cherry
Surinamese cherry

Photo: Pinterest

Another vitamin in pitanga is B2. It helps in the production of antibodies and red blood cells in the body. Vitamin B2 ensures the proper development and growth of reproductive organs and the growth of body tissues such as connective tissue, skin, eyes, nervous system, mucous membranes and the immune system. It also maintains healthy nails, skin and hair.
