Why Was Chocolate Called Marzipan In Bulgaria?

Why Was Chocolate Called Marzipan In Bulgaria?
Why Was Chocolate Called Marzipan In Bulgaria?

In Bulgaria, the idea of marzipan is totally wrong, unlike the rest of the world, or at least until recently. When mentioning the above product, most people in our latitudes imagine a cheap and bitter imitation of chocolate from modern times. However, the truth is far from our ideas and the discrepancy has begun in our country since the early 50s of the twentieth century.

In fact, the original marzipans are made from almonds. The nuts are finely ground, mixed with honey or sugar, and the amount of sugar should not exceed the almond paste. The dessert has been known since ancient times, and China is considered its homeland.

Marzipans are most popular in the Middle East, particularly in Persia. The product was brought to Europe by the Turks in the 14th century. The delicacy is most warmly received in Austria and Germany, becoming an integral part of the national cuisine of both countries.

Until the twentieth century, marzipan was prepared in the mentioned traditional way. After the end of the First World War and the joint economic crisis, almonds became a luxury commodity. Marzipan producers are starting to look for substitutes. In Germany, dessert is made from apricot kernels and even semolina.

In Soviet Russia, where the technology of the marzipans known to the Bulgarians was imported, the dessert was prepared from flour with aromas. The first native marzipan bears the Varna brand. It appeared on the market in 1950. Dessert is a type of steamed dough made from flour, water, butter, powdered sugar, colors and essence.


Cocoa began to be added to Bulgarian marzipans in the 1960s. So the dessert started to look like chocolate because there was cocoa inside, as well as butter and sugar. But it wasn't really chocolate, or even marzipan in the traditional sense of the word - or at least what the rest of the world imagined when it heard the name marzipan.
