Divine Fruit - The Apple Of Paradise

Divine Fruit - The Apple Of Paradise
Divine Fruit - The Apple Of Paradise

The paradise apple is also called the divine fruit. This name is not accidental at all. Unloved unfairly by some, it is a real vitamin bomb.

The many healing properties of the divine fruit have been known for thousands of years. It grows on the tree Malus diospyros. The name paradise apple comes from the Greek word "diospiros", which literally translates as "divine fire".

In different countries it is also known as "subtropical persimmon", "khaki" and others. In our country it is called mead. There are many varieties.

Homeland of the paradise fruit are Japan and China. In the 18th century it became popular all over the world. In our country today paradise apple plantations can be found in Sliven, Ivaylovgrad, Plovdiv, Karlovo and Sopot.

It is characterized by the fact that it is grown mainly in the subtropical climate zone, as most of the varieties can withstand extremely low temperatures.

The divine fruits are large, round or oval apples, with an orange color. They contain a rich palette of vitamins - A, C, P, E and group B, as well as the minerals manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, iodine and others.

Fruit of Paradise Apple
Fruit of Paradise Apple

Unlike other apples, the paradise apple contains high levels of sugars, especially glucose and fructose. Thanks to them, it acquires a high nutritional value. Only 100 g of persimmon contains 127 kcal and 33.5 carbohydrates.

Due to its nutritional characteristics, persimmon may be present in limited quantities in the diet. The recommended dose is 1 paradise apple a day.

The benefits of the paradise apple are numerous. In the past, it was used to treat scurvy, colds and coughs. The divine fruit is included in the diet for anemia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the thyroid gland.

It is also useful for diabetics, as about 80-90% of the sugars in it are pure fructose. Its reception has an invigorating effect. It is used as an immunosuppressant.

There are several ways to consume the paradise apple. It is extremely tasty fresh, but can also be used in sweets, marmalades and compotes. More juices and jellies are prepared from it.
