Beautiful, Mysterious And Exotic Fruits

Beautiful, Mysterious And Exotic Fruits
Beautiful, Mysterious And Exotic Fruits

On the shelves of supermarkets you can now find all kinds of fruits: apples, bananas, melons, pineapples, kiwis. However, there are some fruits that are not produced in our country, and it is difficult to find, but they certainly have to try.

These fruits are exotic, extremely beautiful and at the same time mysterious. Here are some of them:

Carambola - this fruit in the cut state has a characteristic star shape. The taste of the fruits are sour-sweet with a rich taste and smell. They contain a large amount of vitamin C and can be found all year round in countries such as India, Indonesia, Israel, Brazil and the United States.


Lychee - this is considered a love fruit in China. Lychee fruits are round, pink-reddish with embossed peel and colorless to white pulp, which is edible. Found in China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.


In appearance, lychee resembles raspberries and strawberries, but tastes like grapes. You can try juicy lychee in May and June, and out of season you can find it in cans or jars with its own juice or dipped in coconut milk. The fruits are rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and a large amount of vitamin E.


Mangosteen - this tiny fruit with a pleasant purple color you can try in Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and in fresh condition can be found in the months from April to September. With a hard hard shell and a soft mushy inside, this fruit has an amazing taste that you will never forget.


Durian - it is no coincidence that this fruit is called stinky. Its smell is literally unpleasant, compared to the smell of onions and garlic. But its taste is pleasant, the fruit is high in calories and very useful. The fruits are large, with a prickly surface and can be found in South Asia. Due to their uniquely repulsive odor, durian is prohibited from being transported in public places or transported in vehicles.


Sabers - the fruit is also called prickly pear or Indian fig. This is actually the fruit of a cactus that can be tasted in Israeli markets. Its surface is prickly, but its inside is very sweet.


Kumquat - this is a citrus fruit similar to orange. Kumquat grows in southern China, but can also be found in other tropical countries. The fruits ripen from May to June, but are also found all year round.
