Lose Weight With Tangerines

Lose Weight With Tangerines
Lose Weight With Tangerines

Good news for the fairer sex, who are constantly thinking about how to lose unnecessary weight!

It turns out that tangerines have the ability to reduce the accumulated fat around the abdomen and liver. This was established by scientists from South Korea, who discovered the unusual properties of the small orange fruits, Russian media write.

To achieve the desired results, however, you need to eat tangerines in larger quantities.

Thirty South Korean overweight students drank tangerine juice and exercised for 90 days.

To compare their results, the researchers subjected another group of children only to exercise. Finally, they found that the kids in the first group, who drank mandarin juice, lost about 1.5% of their overweight.

Before subjecting the children to the experiment, the researchers did so with mice by injecting them with mandarin concentrate. After the end of the second month, the rodents were 45% weaker and melted 59% of the fat deposits in the abdomen.

Mandarin injections also helped repair their damaged liver.

The scientists' discovery provoked South Korea to work on creating a drink whose main ingredient would be mandarin extract. The goal is to make the drink an easy and affordable way to lose weight.
