Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter

Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter
Health Benefits Of Peanut Butter

In Bulgaria, peanut butter does not enjoy much respect. However, each of us has heard how popular it is in the United States. There, almost every nutritionist recommends it as an integral part of the daily menu and healthy food for any diet for weight loss.

Peanut butter is a relatively new type of food. Today, the United States is the country with the largest production and export of peanuts and peanut products.

It is quite expensive. North America spends more than $ 8 billion annually on peanuts and their derivatives. They deserve such respect quite deservedly - many useful ingredients are found in peanut butter.

Its consumption brings minerals such as magnesium, protein and monounsaturated fats. In addition, this product is very nutritious and can be used in both salty and sweet products - a great addition to any dish.

Peanut butter has a fat content of at least 50%. The remaining 50% are carbohydrates, fiber, protein and water. This makes it different from other, all-oil products, such as butter and margarine.

Peanut butter, in addition to taste, also enjoys some dietary benefits. It has a higher protein content than other spreads. It also has other ingredients, such as fiber and carbohydrates. They give energy to the body.

In the most common case, peanut butter is consumed with bread that is low in fat. In this way a balanced intake between fats and carbohydrates is obtained.

Peanut butter
Peanut butter

The main ingredient in peanut butter is resveratrol. This is a natural plant antibiotic that protects against harmful fungi and bacteria.

Its molecule counteracts cancer, aging, has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It also protects the nervous system. Resveratrol has also been shown to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

There are several types of peanut butter. Here they are:

Raw peanut butter - Slightly refined to retain maximum of its vitamins. There is no trace of harmful trans fats in it, but the spoilage processes are very fast.

Refined peanut butter - This is the most widely consumed. It is poorer in vitamins, but also more resistant. Doctors warn that during its production there is a risk of formation of carcinogenic trans fats.

Coarsely ground peanut butter - Oil in which peanuts are granulated

Finely ground peanut butter - Smooth as melted cheese.
