How To Recognize The Royal Mushroom?

How To Recognize The Royal Mushroom?
How To Recognize The Royal Mushroom?

The royal mushroom / Boletus regius / is from the family Boletaceae (Boletus). It belongs to the non-poisonous mushrooms in Bulgaria and is edible.

It is also called bread mushroom, royal mushroom, royal mushroom.

The cap of the mushroom grows up to 20 cm in diameter. Initially it is hemispherical, then convex to flat-convex. The color varies from pink, dark pink to pink-red, dry, smooth, does not turn blue when injured.

The tubes of the hat are initially lemon yellow, then turn yellow and finally yellow with an olive green tone. The changes are necessary due to the aging of the fungus. It is important to know that the tubes do not turn blue when exposed to air to distinguish them from other fungi. The pores are the same color and also do not turn blue when injured or torn.

The stump is cylindrical to club-shaped, sometimes markedly enlarged or thinning towards the base. The color is yellow or lemon yellow. At the base, red to dark red spots are sometimes found, especially during prolonged drying. Along the entire length or at least in the upper half with a well-developed network. The surface of the stump also does not turn blue when injured.

Bread mushroom
Bread mushroom

Photo: BoletalesCom

The flesh is lemon yellow or bright yellow, sometimes pale to dirty pink at the base of the stump. Does not turn blue when exposed to air. Sometimes it turns a little red when dried. No special smell and taste.

The spore powder is yellow-brown, and the spores are 10.5–16 × 3–5 μm in size and are spindle-shaped, smooth, yellowish.

The bread mushroom grows in deciduous forests, where it mycorrhizes with oaks, beech or chestnut. It is widespread in Europe, but is absent from the northern countries and is more common in the south.

It occurs in a wide time interval during the year - from May to October.

Edible mushroom with excellent taste. It is suitable for both cooking and canning.
