How To Make Parmesan

How To Make Parmesan
How To Make Parmesan

The most famous Italian yellow cheese is Parmesan. It is added to various dishes, but is mostly used for sprinkling spaghetti.

You can also make parmesan at home. You need a strong salt solution, 16 liters of milk, preferably homemade milk, half of which should be milked the night before and the other half in the morning.

You also need parmesan yeast. Skim the milk from the evening milking. To do this, boil the milk and add a little boiling water.

Remove half of the cream that will rise to the surface. Then mix the remaining milk with the milk from the morning milking without skimming it.

Heat the milk mixture to 34 degrees - for this you will need a special thermometer. You should not heat the milk to a higher temperature.


Very carefully add the parmesan yeast and after ten minutes you will get a thick mixture. In the absence of Parmesan yeast, add yellow yeast.

Immediately afterwards, heat the mixture to 55 degrees. Remove the formed whey and let the future Parmesan cook for about an hour. Then remove from the heat and let stand for six to seven hours.

During this time, the parmesan should not be touched or moved. It is best to cover it with something and leave it alone.

Then transfer the parmesan to a wooden form and leave, clamped with weight, for a few days. Then put the parmesan in a strong salt solution with water and leave for five days.

Leave the parmesan soaked in salt in the cold, where it should stay for a whole year. Occasionally grease it with oil and turn it so that it does not lie on one side only.

The longer the parmesan is aged, the richer its taste will be.
