Soy Milk

Soy Milk
Soy Milk

Soy milk is a milk-like drink that is extracted from soybeans. Both soy and soy milk originate in China, an area where soy grows completely naturally and was used as food long before the first written evidence of this appeared. Soy milk in itself has nothing to do with real milk, and its name in Chinese "doujiang" means soy juice. Soy milk is obtained from soaked soybeans in water, which are crushed with water, and the resulting slurry is pressed and filtered. The finished bean drink is soy milk.

The production of soy products in China dates back to time immemorial. Especially for soy milk, the earliest evidence of its consumption is a mural, which clearly shows the kitchen in which they are made. soy milk and cheese. This mural dates from the time of the Han dynasty, which ruled China between 25 and 220. In the 16th century, the poet Su Ping wrote his Ode to Tofu. The earliest European development for soy milk is from the 17th century.

Composition of soy milk

Soy milk is extremely nutritious. Like cow's milk, soy has about 88.6% water content, but the latter has about 50% more protein, which contains all 8 essential amino acids. In addition, soy milk contains 16% less carbohydrates, 24% less fat, 15 times more iron and a number of other important vitamins. Soy milk is much lower in calories than cow's milk and lacks cholesterol and lactose.

It is a very valuable source of vitamin E and lecithin. The content of pesticides and various agricultural chemicals is about 10 times lower than that of cow's milk. Soy milk provides the body with B vitamins, unsaturated fats, prebiotic sugars raffinose and stachiosis. No milk sugar is found in soy milk, which makes it suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

Selection and storage of soy milk

Soy milk can be purchased both natural and sweetened in different flavors / chocolate, vanilla, etc./ from a number of organic stores, as well as larger food chains. In our country, it is still gaining more and more supporters.

In China, however, it is sold everywhere, most often in pasta shops. Available hot and cold. Buy soy milk only with guaranteed origin and quality, pay attention to the label on which the expiration date and manufacturer must be mentioned. Store soy milk according to the instructions on the package.

100 g of soy milk contains 45 kcal, 3.7 g of protein, 2.2 g of fat, 0 g of cholesterol, 120 mg of calcium, 0.6 g of fiber, 0.06 g of sodium, 2.4 g of carbohydrates.

Soy products
Soy products

Soy milk in cooking

Soy milk tastes different from cow's milk. In some cases, its taste is quite difficult to accept for humans. This is why it is often flavored with fruit, vanilla or chocolate essence, which makes it easier to consume. Yogurt soy milk has a milder taste, which is why it is a better choice than regular soy milk. Soy milk is an excellent substitute for animal milk, which makes it a suitable substitute for them in all recipes - from pastries to savory dishes.

Soy milk can also be prepared at home. For this you need fresh soybeans, which are soaked in clean water for several hours. Puree and drain, and the resulting liquid is heated for a short time to a temperature of about 135-150 degrees. It is best to prepare yourself soy milkbecause homemade milk is more useful than what is sold in stores. If you want to make soy yogurt, add 1 tbsp. honey, which will serve as food for starter bacteria.

Benefits of soy milk

Due to the various beneficial substances that are part of soy milk, it is considered a very good medicinal product. Many Japanese scientists recommend it for diabetes, anemia, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Soy milk is rich in isoflavones - natural phytoestrogens that have a positive effect on the heart and immune system. In addition, they have anti-cancer and anti-radical effects, increase mood and tone. We have already mentioned that soy milk is an excellent alternative for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Soy milk
Soy milk

According to some recent studies, soy milk is also very good for the liver. The soy proteins found in it help reduce the accumulation of harmful fats in the liver by about 20%. It is clear that soy has a protective effect against the development of fatty liver disease.

Dietary protein and fiber in soy milk reduce triglyceride levels and bad cholesterol. It is believed that the consumption of two glasses soy milk daily relieve hot flashes during menopause.

Harm from soy milk

Although soy milk has undeniable positive effects on health, it also poses a number of health risks. In the first place, it contains too much phytic acid, which cannot be destroyed by heat treatment. This acid makes it difficult to absorb many important metal ions - calcium, zinc, iron, manganese and others.

In addition, soy contains substances that prevent the absorption of important vitamins - A and B1. The result is a negative effect on the thyroid gland. In many cases, allergic reactions are observed, which are caused by soy protein.

Despite its nutritional properties, soy milk cannot completely replace cow's milk.

According to some recent studies, soy milk is harmful to teeth. Soy milk bacteria produce 6 times more acid, which causes tooth decay. For this reason, dentists do not recommend soy milk of young children, because the effect on the teeth is very negative.
