Culinary Use Of Grape Seed Oil

Culinary Use Of Grape Seed Oil
Culinary Use Of Grape Seed Oil

Grapes belong to one of the most ancient crops grown by man. In addition to fruits, their seeds are also widely used - they produce elite high-quality oil.

History of grape seed oil

If viticulture appeared thousands of years ago (according to scientists, the plant has been known in Mesopotamia for about 6,000 years BC), then production of grape seed oil cannot boast of such a long history. Although it is impressive: traces of the product were found on fragments of vessels found during excavations of ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek settlements. Ancient Eastern physicians also knew about the unique properties of grape seeds, which used virtually all grapes, including all its parts.

But oil production is booming in Europe: in Italy, where it is used purely for food purposes, and in France, whose fashionable women appreciate the incredible cosmetic properties of the new product. It is known that the perfumer José de Mal invented a miraculous hair elixir based on grape oil. Most likely, the interest in the product was provoked by enterprising winemakers who decided to switch to waste-free production.

Now grape seed oil is used in cooking, cosmetics, medicine, pharmaceuticals, soap production and other fields. Its main suppliers on the world market are countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Argentina.

Types and varieties of grape seed oil

Production of grape seed oil
Production of grape seed oil

In the process of making wine or grape juice there is always a residual mass, a significant part of which is from grape seeds. After preliminary preparation, which includes drying and crushing, they are further processed to obtain oil.

Grape seeds contain a small amount of oil (from 9.9 to 25%), much less than in sunflower or flax seeds, which technically complicates the production process. In the end, however, you can get a high quality and extremely useful product. Its properties depend on which grape variety is used. Much more oil and better quality is contained in red grape seeds. The quality of grape seed oil also depends on the age of the vine and the method of production.

Methods for extracting grape seed oil

There are two methods for extraction of grape seed oil. The first is called the method of cold pressing. It allows you to get an oil in which almost all active substances are stored, which makes it more valuable. But the product is much more expensive due to the fact that its yield is very low, so the use of the method is not considered economically justified.

Recently, another method is gaining popularity - extraction with organic solvents, followed by refining, thanks to which much more oil can be obtained. The resulting product is also considered to be of high quality and very nutritious, although it does not fully retain all the substances.

Useful characteristics of grape seed oil

Grape seed oil
Grape seed oil

The huge ones benefits of grape seed oil are known: its regular consumption is an excellent prevention for the development of infectious, oncological and cardiovascular diseases, including such common problems as arthritis, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Properties of grape seed oil are actively studied. Now scientists are increasingly convinced that this product is able to significantly increase immunity and help prevent ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids, so it is essential for women's health. Its use is recommended for people suffering from diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, visual impairment and other severe pathologies. Additional, grape seed oil contains several components with a pronounced anti-aging effect.

Composition of grape seed oil

IN grape seed oil nature has concentrated the most valuable fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and a high concentration of vitamins. That is, the oil contains the most powerful natural antioxidant.

Energy value: 100 g - 884 Kcal.

Fat content per 100 g - 99.9 g, including:

- saturated fatty acids - 9.6 g (palmitic acid - 7%, stearic acid - 4%);

- polyunsaturated fatty acids - 69.9 g (omega-3 fatty acid: alpha-linolenic acid - 0.1%, omega-6 fatty acid: linoleic acid - 69, 6%, Omega - 9: oleic acid - 16%);

- monounsaturated fatty acids - 16.1 g (palmitoleic acid - 1%, oleic acid - 15.8%).

Vitamin A - 4.49 mg

Vitamins E - 2.1 mg

Also contains: lecithin, procyanidin, campesterol, betasitosterol, stigmasterol, selenium, zinc.

Taste qualities of grape seed oil

Grape seed oil has a characteristic light yellow color with a slight greenish tinge. It has no pronounced odor, only a faint aroma of bitter nuts and wine notes and has a very light, sweet and pleasant taste. This combination of qualities allows you to use the product as an additive to almost all dishes without the risk of changing their natural aroma and taste. Grape seed oil will only emphasize the original taste of the dish.

Applications and cooking with grape seed oil

Cooking with grape seed oil
Cooking with grape seed oil

One of the characteristics of grape seed oil is his heat resistance - the smoking point is 216 degrees, which allows it to be used for various fried dishes in a pan or deep fryer. In the preparation of various dishes, grape seed oil will go well with garlic, spices and fresh herbs, fondue, marinades.

Cereals and cereals, garnishes acquire an unusual and very delicate aroma. Professional chefs recommend replacing the classic sunflower or peanut oil with grape seed oil for some dishes. It will transform the taste of well-known dishes and make them richer and brighter.

The high content of oleic acid and the resistance to evaporation make it possible the use of grape seed oil for frying vegetables, fish, meat. Ordinary potatoes acquire a very beautiful golden skin and appetizing smell, retaining all the useful properties. Omega-3 acids provide high resistance to oxidation and this allows grape seed oil to use as an additive to olive oil, linseed oil, etc. to increase the shelf life.

Most suitable for use, however grape seed oil is in a raw state or with minimal processing, because under the influence of high temperatures many of the useful nutrients are still destroyed.

May be uses grape seed oil for flavoring of ready meals, for salad dressing, marinades, preparation of cocktails, homemade mayonnaise, for mashed potatoes, sauces, with spices, etc. It goes well with meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, stews, garlic and herbs. Can be added to pastries and cereals.

Although not a very budget option for your kitchen, grape seed oil is a very useful product that you should definitely try!
