Prohibited Foods In Helicobacter Pylori

Prohibited Foods In Helicobacter Pylori
Prohibited Foods In Helicobacter Pylori

Statistics show that more than half of the world's population is infected or carries the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is a spiral bacterium that lives in the natural environment of the human stomach.

According to studies by leading medical institutes, Helicobacter pylori is found in 99 percent of cases of duodenal ulcer, in approximately 60 percent of stomach ulcers and in 80 percent of stomach cancer caused by bacteria.

One of the main consequences of Helicobacter pylori infection is the effect on the production of stomach acid. If the bacteria colonize the area where the stomach joins the small intestine, this affects the cells that control the secretion of stomach acid. This can lead to overproduction of hydrochloric acid and hence to the formation of ulcers.

Helicobacter pylori is an "adhesive" that attaches to the layer of the cell surface under the lining of the stomach, thus protecting the body's immune responses.

Infection with this bacterium can become a chronic process that lasts for decades and in combination with other complications can have lasting consequences for your health. Unfortunately, there are still no generally accepted symptoms to signal infection with this bacterium.

Changing the diet, according to more and more research, can lead to the prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection and the complete cleansing of the body from it. A diet rich in vitamin C has shown success in 30 percent of cases of bacterial infection.

Foods to avoid are foods used by bacteria to multiply and develop, such as sugar, chocolate, coffee, milk and dairy products, red and processed meats, acidic foods, refined foods, tomatoes, vinegar, salt and spirits..

Other foods that should be avoided are spicy foods and powdered spices such as chili powder, red and black pepper, cloves, nutmeg and others.

High-fat foods are also not recommended because they can increase inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Also avoid hot foods and drinks and oils.
