How Does The Alkaline-acid Diet Help Us?

How Does The Alkaline-acid Diet Help Us?
How Does The Alkaline-acid Diet Help Us?

The purpose of the acid-base diet is not only weight loss, but also prevention of many diseases. It slows down aging and promotes the overall health of the body.

Alkaline-acid diet is based on a controlled diet, achieving optimal values of acidity in the body. Due to this, it is believed that longevity and health are guaranteed.

Starting such a diet requires a general knowledge of what pH is and what an alkaline-acid balance means, ranging from 0 to 14.

For example, vinegar is acidic and ranges from 0 to 7 on a scale also called acidic medium. Therefore, from 7 to 14 is the range covering the alkaline medium. Calcium is a chemical element that alkalizes the environment and has a pH of 10.

Under normal conditions, the human body has a slightly alkaline environment ranging from 7.35 to 7.45 pH. And according to scientists, every food is important for maintaining the optimal alkaline-acid environment, because otherwise a disease can develop.

In the alkaline-acid diet, nearly 80% of the food must be alkalizing. Such are fruits and vegetables, almonds, lentils, tofu, soy foods. And the remaining 20% of food should be in the acid range. It is also possible to follow the 60/40 form, in favor of alkalizing products.

And in order to have a positive result from the diet, it is appropriate to eat more whole grains, vegetables and soy products. Of course, it is in the order of things to do sports during the week in order to achieve 100% of the desired result.

Experts explicitly advise people with acute or chronic renal failure not to undergo an alkaline-acid diet. The same goes for those with heart problems, or taking medications that affect potassium levels in the body.

In all cases, consultation with a nutritionist is desirable.
