Different Types Of Salt

Different Types Of Salt
Different Types Of Salt

Most of us don't bother with what kind of salt we use. Few of us distinguish the different types of salt, and we hardly know in detail all the variants of this so valuable culinary spice. Our people know that salt makes food more appetizing and that is why they often use more than is healthy.

In addition to the food industry, salt is also used in the preservation of fish and meat. It is also widely used in pharmacy.

In various scientific studies, the taste "salty" is considered one of the five main, recognizable by taste receptors in the mouth.

And yet, how many types of salt are there?

Sodium salt

It represents most of the salt consumed in the world, known as "common table salt".

In our time, however, salt for flavoring food is a mixture of different salts.

Potassium salt

Contained in many vegetables as a natural ingredient. Potassium salt is used in a combined dietary salt together with sodium salt, the purpose is to synchronize the water balance in the human body.

Iodized salt

Iodized salt is used to prevent iodine deficiency. This disease can occur from insufficient iodine intake with food or from radioactive contamination. Iodine deficiency leads to thyroid problems.


Very often up to 1% of iodized salt is added to the combined salt for direct consumption.

Fluorinated salt

In many European countries, fluoridation of drinking water is not a common practice. This type of salt is most often used there. Fluoride is important for dental health. This is the reason why in most countries with non-fluorinated drinking water, potassium or sodium fluoride is added to the combined and common salt.

Brown salt

Brown salt is rich in antioxidants and residues of essential fatty acids. Suitable for chronic fatigue.

Hawaiian red salt

Extremely rich in iron and oligominerals. It is formed where water from the Pacific Ocean mixes with baked volcanic red clay from the island of Molokoi. It tastes reminiscent of roasted hazelnuts and helps with cardiovascular disease.

Hawaiian black salt

Its composition is rich in minerals, trace elements and activated carbon. Contributes to the detoxification of the body. Hawaiian black salt is made by mixing one of the cleanest waters in the world and volcanic rocks of black lava. Also reminiscent of the taste of nuts.

Kosher salt

Kosher salt is the North American term for crude table salt low in additives such as iodine. It is considered more useful.

Himalayan salt

It is also called "white gold" because it is considered the purest salt on the planet, rich in valuable minerals and energy. And despite its name of "white gold", Himalayan salt is pink, which is due to the iron atoms included in its crystal lattice.

And the mineral salts contained in the Himalayan salt perform some vital functions - maintain the osmotic pressure in the cells, maintain the normal colloidal state of the cytosol, stabilize protein solutions, participate in maintaining acid-base balance.
