This Is How Ham Is Made In Spain

This Is How Ham Is Made In Spain
This Is How Ham Is Made In Spain

Spanish ham, called Jamon, is a national delicacy for Spain, but also for many other countries. It is prepared from special breeds of pigs and depending on their breed and diet, it is divided into two types - Iberico and Serrano.

This delicacy is offered in almost all good restaurants. A special technology is used for its preparation.

History tells us that many years ago, in the beginning, the meat was rubbed with a very thick layer of salt and left to sit for a long time and then used. He also tells us that in the beginning the ham prepared in this way was used mainly by poorer people. This easy technology has helped them survive the difficult poor years.

Later in the years, this delicacy was mainly prepared for the aristocracy.

The active ham production began in the 18th century. The recipe for preparation has been almost unchanged over the years and is still so today. We can be sure that ham is one of the oldest foods.

Today, strict rules are followed for the preparation of the famous ham, but its main ingredient is sea salt.

Drying of Jamon
Drying of Jamon

After the respective piece of meat has been sliced, it is first washed under running water and started drying. This is done with special rooms / dryers / at appropriate temperatures. Once it is dry enough, the excess fat is removed and the meat is placed in sea salt for a few weeks, because, on the one hand, salt is a preservative, and on the other - is moisture-absorbing. This salting process must be carried out in cool rooms at an appropriate temperature not exceeding 5 degrees C.

The drying and salting time is within two weeks. After this time, the meat is again cleaned of residual salt and the master butcher gives the specific shape of the ham. Then the meat is placed vertically, again in special rooms called chambers, at the appropriate low temperature. This process is called sagging of the ham and is about 1-2 weeks. In these chambers, the ham is left without residual moisture and the salt left in the meat will be evenly distributed.

The last stage is to let the ham ripen in dark, dry and cool rooms - the so-called. cellars for drying ham.


In these cellars, nutrition technologists inspect the ham, monitor the temperature, humidity, sort the quality of the pieces of meat and last but not least - make a tasting of the product.

To determine the readiness of the ham, long metal skewers, needles are used and their readiness is determined by the way they enter the meat. Also (and last but not least) the aroma of the product is determined, which is subject to thorough inspection by a specialist.

The rules for preparation of ham are observed very strictly.

Cutting Jamon
Cutting Jamon

Next is the time to slice the ham. Not everyone can handle this seemingly easy task. The cutting is done on thick wooden boards, called by the Spaniards hamoneira. Specially prepared knives with suitable blades are also used so that it can be cut properly into very thin slices - almost transparent and about 6-8 cm, and another important thing when cutting is to keep that delicious thin layer of fat on the side..


Photo: Elena Stefanova Yordanova

The cutting residues are used as additives to soups, broths, etc.

At home, ham can be stored for a long time in cool rooms, most often cellars, at a suitable temperature of about 12-15 degrees ° C and without worries about spoilage - it has a long shelf life.

The places from which the ham is cut, then smeared with olive oil, it helps prevent the process of decomposition of the meat.

Ham with melon
Ham with melon

Photo: Elena Stefanova Yordanova

The Spaniards claim that their famous ham corresponds very well

with melon, you can feel both sweet and salty taste, as well as with tomatoes, other vegetables, various cheeses.
