Hooray! Beer Cures Cancer

Hooray! Beer Cures Cancer
Hooray! Beer Cures Cancer

Beer cures cancer. The ingredients in amber liquid can fight the most insidious disease these days.

American scientists from the University of Idaho have discovered that hops, which is responsible for the characteristic bitter taste of beer, contains unique compounds. Tests have shown that they have the unique ability to stop the growth of bacteria. They can be used to create drugs to help treat cancer and all kinds of infectious diseases.

Specialists have extracted the substances humulons and lupulons from hops and tried to synthesize them in the laboratory. After many trials and errors today, they are close to their goal. According to them, with full success of these ingredients will be able to create powerful drugs with which all infectious diseases and cancer will be easily treated. The scientists are due to present their research at a conference of the American Society of Chemists.

So far, it is not possible to say with certainty whether beer intake also helps in the fight against diseases. However, the drink has been considered healing for centuries. In the Middle Ages, for example, drinking it was thought to help people cope with plague and cholera epidemics.

Today beer is one of the healthiest products we take. This is explained by the fact that natural raw materials are used for its production. During the fermentation process, only the best substances from barley, hops and water remain.
