Soluble Fiber Melts The Abdomen

Soluble Fiber Melts The Abdomen
Soluble Fiber Melts The Abdomen

It is important to know that the accumulated fat in the abdominal area poses a potential risk of diabetes, liver disease, high blood pressure and heart problems.

The big belly as a whole has a bad effect not only on your health, but also on your social image and free movement of the body. And visceral adipose tissue, which contributes to rounded bellies, affects important internal organs and interferes with their proper functioning.

However, a new study has shown that increasing the intake of easily soluble fiber is a kind of "terminator" in the elimination of belly fat. The results are based on a five-year study of more than 1,000 people prone to gaining weight.

The benefits of soluble fiber for the body are many. These include decreased appetite, rapid and long-lasting satiety, lowering bad cholesterol. They also protect against colon cancer, as they have the specific function to bind carcinogenic and toxic particles in our body and remove them.

Scientists have found that increased consumption of soluble fiber has had a positive effect on reducing the abdomen. It has also been found that any increase in fiber by just 10 grams per day has the potential to reduce belly volume and fat by up to 4 percent in the long run.

Soluble fiber melts the abdomen
Soluble fiber melts the abdomen

What to consume to increase the intake of soluble fiber?

Two apples a day are a valuable ally in the fight against belly fat. Much of the fiber is found in the peel of fruits and vegetables. That is why nutritionists recommend only thorough washing, but not peeling of plant products (of course, if it allows).

The other option is to emphasize peas and colorful beans and all legumes in general.

Oat bran is also rich in soluble fiber.

Wholemeal spaghetti and pasta are a good substitute for traditional ones and taken in reasonable amounts also reduce belly fat.
