Aronia - The Unknown Healer

Aronia - The Unknown Healer
Aronia - The Unknown Healer

When we talk about diets and healthy eating, we inevitably mention fruits and vegetables. However, we all use and think of a limited number of them, and we do not pay attention to many more, and they are extremely useful.

The Indians of the North American continent were the people who first began to cultivate and use chokeberry. In our country, this priceless fruit has not yet gained enough popularity, but it is time to change that and more people to understand the benefits of it.

1. First of all, Aronia is an extremely strong antioxidant, which means that it easily cleanses the whole body of accumulated toxins, stimulates metabolism and at the same time lowers blood pressure, if you have a high one;

2. Due to the high levels of iodine and phenolic acids it is useful for people with thyroid problems. Frequent intake of chokeberry regulates the levels of hormones associated with this gland;

3. Like other small berries, chokeberry contains large amounts of vitamin C, which helps us recover faster from colds and viral diseases;


4. Stimulates the work of the urinary tract, but in people with severe problems should be taken less frequently and diluted with more water, because the oxalic acid it contains is at risk of crystallizing and forming kidney stones;

5. It is often used for memory and concentration problems. It has a tonic and soothing effect

6. Favors and stops nascent inflammatory processes in our body.

Try it and you will not regret it. It can be used in the form of juice, nectar, jam, compote, wine and even as candy.

Consumption of chokeberry all over the world is growing exponentially, so it's time for us to keep up with fashion and try this not only modern, but also extremely useful fruit.
