2024 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2023-12-16 08:29
Even healthy people need to watch your liveras this organ passes through itself all the harmful substances we eat or drink. Even seemingly healthy foods can contain pesticides that are toxic to the liver.
Some of these substances are not excreted, but are accumulate in the liver. Over time, this leads to liver failure.
For example, uncontrolled use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol, fast food, fried and fatty foods also kill the liver. That is why it is important not only to follow a diet, but also to cleanse the liver regularly.
Pumpkin is rich in fiber, folic acid, vitamins B1 and B2.
Photo: Iliana Parvanova
Restores the work of hepatocytes by normalizing their metabolism. Prevents the release of liver cells and restores already damaged hepatocytes. Restores the antitoxic properties of the liver. It has a choleretic effect and stimulates the kidneys. Therefore, pumpkin should be included in the diet of people who have had hepatitis A. Drinking 150 ml of pumpkin juice daily for 4 months will significantly improve liver function.
Sauerkraut and Carrots
Sauerkraut and carrots are able to remove toxins accumulated in the liver. Also, sauerkraut is a leader among foods in the concentration of vitamin C. It is good to use to boost immunity.
Honey normalizes the metabolism of triglycerides in the body, thus reducing the burden on the liver. Pumpkin honey is especially useful. The ideal option is a mixture of 150 ml of pumpkin juice with a spoonful of honey. When consumed daily for 4 months, the liver will be cleansed and will begin to heal.
And to be completely useful to you, try this decoction for cleansing the liver, extract for cleansing the liver or choose one of these detox drinks.
Foods That Protect The Liver
It is very important to keep your liver in good health, as it is a powerful organ responsible for many functions in the human body. Food plays a very important role in his health. We present you the 6 the most useful foods for the liver .
Foods That Cleanse The Liver
The liver is one of the most important organs, as its functions are related to the elimination of food intake toxins in the body . Detoxification is the process by which these toxins are removed from the body. It is important to supply your body with foods that are good for the liver.
Foods Harmful To The Liver
The liver is an important organ in the human body that plays a huge role in metabolism. It performs functions such as detoxification, synthesis of plasma proteins and produces biochemical substances necessary for digestion. It also contains bile, which is important for digestion.
Horseradish To Restore The Liver
Horseradish is a truly amazing plant and a gift from nature that can help us deal with a number of health problems. In addition, it is rich in a number of important vitamins, minerals and trace elements for our health, such as horseradish leaves are rich in vitamin C, alkaloids and carotene.
Foods That Will Restore Your Radiant Skin While Sitting At Home
Regardless of the season, our skin is exposed to various external influences throughout the year, such as polluted air, cigarette smoke and alcohol, as well as temperature influences that damage it. Especially in winter it is quite exhausted and dries from the cold, as well as in summer - from the bright and scorching rays of the sun and salty sea water, which drink its vitality and elasticity.