Phenomenal Skin Cream With Only 2 Natural Ingredients

Phenomenal Skin Cream With Only 2 Natural Ingredients
Phenomenal Skin Cream With Only 2 Natural Ingredients

There is no doubt that some of the most beneficial natural ingredients for skin health include aloe vera and coconut oil. These two ingredients have a scientifically proven healing effect on eczema, psoriasis, rashes, irritated or dry skin.

Due to their many health benefits, aloe vera and coconut oil are often used in body care products, but in combination they are even more useful.

The best mixture is obtained when you combine aloe vera gel (not juice) and pure unrefined coconut oil. As a rule, water and oil do not mix well, so the use of the juice of this plant is not recommended.

Important benefits of aloe vera:

- Aloe vera is extremely effective in treating mild burns and sunburn;

- Soothes irritated skin and rash;

- Reduces the appearance of stretch marks, age spots, acne and scars;

- Deeply hydrates and rejuvenates the skin.

Important health benefits of coconut oil:

- Works wonders as a natural moisturizer;

- Delays skin aging;

- Very useful for dry skin;

- Provides antifungal and antibacterial effects and eliminates various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, skin rashes and irritations;

- Can be used as a makeup remover;

- Can be used as a massage oil.

Ingredients for the phenomenal cream

0.5 cups organic coconut oil

1/3 cup pure aloe vera gel

A few drops of lavender essential oil (jasmine oil, rose oil, vanilla) optional

In a small bowl, mix coconut oil and aloe vera stirring for 5-10 minutes. You should get a light and uniform paste. Add the essential oil of your choice.

Store the mixture in a glass container with a lid and in a cool place. Use the cream like other creams, but only on damp skin, for best results. It is preferable after bathing.

You can also use it to clean makeup.
