Cherries - Aromatic Healers

Cherries - Aromatic Healers
Cherries - Aromatic Healers

Sour and tart cherries are very useful for the cardiovascular system. Red fruits help increase the levels of antioxidants in the blood - especially anthocyanins.

That's according to researchers at the University of Michigan. The specialists performed tests on the fetus - participants in the study were healthy people, between 18 and 25 years old.

Their task was to eat between half and one cup of frozen cherries 12 hours before the study. Biologists believe that cherries have a very good effect on the circulatory system.

Moderate consumption of the fruit reduces the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease, and also reduces cholesterol.

Various studies indicate that sour cherries have a good counteraction to cancer - especially of the colon and prostate.

It is believed that the positive components contained in cherries may be beneficial to patients who are already in an advanced stage of insidious disease.

Cherries are also recommended for chronic gastritis and enterocolitis. It is believed that the fruit is great for consumption by adolescents and people who have suffered from a serious illness, as a result of which their body is exhausted.

Cherry jam
Cherry jam

They also help in the absence of appetite, constipation, anemia, kidney disease. Cherries contain a large amount of fructose, which does not require insulin to be absorbed, which makes the small red fruits suitable for consumption by diabetics.

Sour cherries are rich in vitamins C and P, which makes them an extremely suitable means of combating atherosclerosis.

In folk medicine, the stalks of the fruit are also used - they regulate irregular menstruation, eliminate swelling, help with difficulty urinating, as well as inflammation of the kidneys and prostate.

Cherry fruits and stalks are also used for joint diseases and gout. Fruit juice is recommended for cleansing the liver and kidneys. In addition, cherry juice has a tonic effect on the body.

It is enough to take one or two glasses of juice a day.

As cherries are quite tart, it is recommended to consume their juice at least one hour after a meal.
