Aloe Protects The Kitchen From Evil Eyes

Aloe Protects The Kitchen From Evil Eyes
Aloe Protects The Kitchen From Evil Eyes

A housewife spends most of the day in her kitchen. There he not only cooks, but also welcomes friends and relatives. The atmosphere in the kitchen should be positive in order to have comfort and well-being in the home.

There are many amulets and talismans that will not only help protect your kitchen from negative energy, but will also help ensure deliciously cooked food.

The easiest way to protect the kitchen from evil eyes is to grow aloe on the window. The magical effect of aloe will protect you from all kinds of minor injuries and accidents related to the cooking process.

Therefore, we recommend that you even sprinkle aloe juice on the main kitchen utensils, as well as doors, windows and kitchen utensils.

In addition, aloe is recognized by folk medicine: it heals cuts, abrasions, burns, abscesses. It is used to treat nasal congestion and cough.


Other mascots for the kitchen, known to us since ancient times, are the links with onions, garlic and black pepper. Keep them in the corners of the kitchen, but do not use them for cooking, as they will collect negative energy.

You can put a head of onion or garlic on the ledge - this way they will be your amulet, which will prevent the penetration of evil into your home.

There are special spells designed to protect the family from starvation. In ancient times, such spells were of particular importance.

Take a little decorative jug, mix it with oatmeal and place it next to the place where you usually keep bread. As long as he stays there, the family will not starve.
