How To Quickly Kill The Flu In The First Hours

How To Quickly Kill The Flu In The First Hours
How To Quickly Kill The Flu In The First Hours

You shouldn't eat a lot of salt, and everyone knows that. The passion for too salty foods is harmful to health, causing problems with fluid retention in the body. But the use of salt as a medicine and very useful.

Saline solution is able to relieve inflammation, rinse the nose and throat.

What miracles can ordinary table salt do?

This healing prescription and tested by a doctor who used it to treat wounded soldiers during World War II. According to historians, the doctor treated with hypertonic saline solution and treated quite serious wounds, which in 3-4 days stop festering and turn pink.

The high temperature decreased using this method. How is a tray possible?

The fact is that the saline solution absorbs fluid with pathogenic microflora, sucks out all impurities and cleans the tissues.

The rules for using salt dressings

1. The percentage of salt in the solution must not exceed 10%. Better less than more! Dressing with a solution of greater consistency can lead to destruction of the capillaries in the tissues in the area of application;

2. The material used for dressing (imposition) must be breathable, this is a mandatory element! Use natural fabrics made of linen or cotton, used repeatedly and washed many times, but not new ones. If you use gauze or cheesecloth, fold in 8 layers and the rest of the fabric in 4 layers;

3. The effect of the saline dressing extends only to the area on which it is applied;

4. Such treatment can be quite long - it will take almost a week to see the effect of the used salt dressing;

5. The solution must be sufficiently hot during application of the dressing. Squeeze the fabric in the middle, it should not be dry or very wet. Tie with a bandage or secure with adhesive tape.

How to use a salt bandage for specific diseases?


1. If you have a runny nose or headache, apply a bandage around the forehead and the back of the head. For colds keep the bandage for 1-1.5 hours, and to get rid of the headache, it is better to keep until the morning;

2. If you feel a cold or flu, use the method described above immediately. In addition to this head bandage, you will need to place another one on your back, 2 layers of damp and 2 layers of dry cloth. The bandages stay on all night. Perform about 4-5 such procedures;

Tips for properly prepared salt solution

It is important!

1. In one liter of boiled water dissolve 3 tbsp. without a pinch of salt, mix well;

2. Take 8 layers of natural fabric, soak it in the solution for one minute. Squeeze lightly so that it does not run down on you;

3. Apply the salt dressing on the sore spot, arrange it well and secure with adhesive tape. Be sure to put a piece of natural wool on top and go to bed;

4. Take everything off in the morning, repeat the same procedure the next night before bed.

The information is provided for informational purposes only and you should not self-medicate! Consult your doctor before treatment!
