Varnenka Found An Unpleasant Find In Her Bread

Varnenka Found An Unpleasant Find In Her Bread
Varnenka Found An Unpleasant Find In Her Bread

A woman from Varna found an unusual ingredient in her bread. The lady recently bought the food from a popular food chain in the sea capital, but instead of enjoying it, she was shocked by her discovery. To her great surprise, a black thread was passed between the branches.

The woman admits that she has heard of people who found wire, stones, bugs and other objects in their bread that should not be there. But for the first time it happens to her to come across such an unpleasant find.

Although the thread is not so disgusting and dangerous to health, I did not dare to open the bread and consume it. I threw it away immediately, the lady told PetelBg.

She is extremely outraged by the condition of the bread and wonders how the waste ended up in the food package.

Doesn't someone check the food before they reach the market, the citizen is indignant.

We remind you that this is not the first such case in our country in the last two years. In early 2015, a man complained on social media that he had found a piece of metal in wholemeal bread bought from a "student" oven. Later in 2016, a woman from Pleven signaled that she had found a dead fly in her bread.
